Wool and Water Part 1

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Lacey smiled to herself as she walked down the corridor of the motel. The boys were sleeping after a long drive and she had gone out to get dinner for them. She opened the door to the room and stepped inside.
"Hey, guess what I've..." She never finished her sentence. As she looked up she saw two guys standing at the end of the beds, blood was spattered over the covers and walls and Sam and Dean lay in pools of their own blood. It only took one glance to know they were no longer alive. The bags of food fell to the floor. The guys turned their attentions to Lacey, shotguns pointed at her.

"Who are you?" One of them asked her.

"I'm Dean's girlfriend. And your worst nightmare." She growled at them.

"I doubt that sweetheart." One of them said before firing his gun at her. The first bullet ricocheted off of her and hit the wall. The second embedded itself in her shoulder. She staggered back a little from the impact but continued to glare at them. They watched in amazement as the bullet popped back out of her skin and a moment later the wound healed over. There was a blur and Lacey stood in front of them. She grabbed them both by the throat and pushed them up against the wall.

"Still doubt it?" She asked, her nails seemed to grow digging into their throats.

"Please...please don't kill us." One of them choked out.
"I have never killed another human being and I don't intend to start with you." Lacey told them. "But I will make you wish you were dead." She let go of them and they dropped to the floor unconscious. Lacey stood there for a moment, staring at the wall, not wanting to turn around and face the reality of the situation. Taking a deep breath she turned to face the beds. She walked towards them, each step feeling like she was lifting a ton of bricks. She finally made it and sank to her knees next to Dean's bed. She took his hand in both of hers before bursting into tears. She stayed like that for what felt like ages. She heard a fluttering of wings beside her and felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her tear stained face to find Cas standing over her. She got to her feet and enveloped him in a hug.

"It's all Okay Lacey." He told her.

"How can you say that? They're dead, Cas."

"You don't have to worry. Zachariah will bring them back. He needs them." Lacey stared at Cas for a moment.

"They're coming back?"

"Yes. What did you do to those men?" Cas asked as he went over to examine them.

"Not much." Lacey said, wiping the tears from her eyes. "They're currently facing their worst fears inside their minds. They'll wake up in a bit, right as rain." Cas nodded. "So how long until they wake up?"

"I'm not sure. I have made contact with them in heaven but it may take them some time to find their way." He studied her for a moment. "If I could help to send you up there, it might be helpful to them." Cas mused.

"You want to kill me?" Lacey asked, shocked.

"No, of course not. I could help you to astral project yourself up there. With my power behind you you would retain the full use of your abilities while you were up there."

"If it'll help the boys then sure." Lacey nodded.

"Okay." Cas pulled out a chair and indicated that she should sit in it."
"Concentrate on Sam and Dean. Focus on finding them and I will help guide you." Lacey closed her eyes and felt as if she was falling into a deep dark hole.

When she finally stopped falling she opened her eyes and found herself laying on the porch of a house. As she sat up the front door opened and Sam and Dean walked out.
"Lacey?" Dean asked her, shocked.
"Oh my god! You're okay!" She ran forward, slamming him into a hug, winding him.
"Jeez Lace." Dean said before wrapping his arms around her. "Wait how are you here?" He asked holding her at arms length. "You're not..." he trailed off.

Down the Rabbit HoleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora