Alice's Evidence Part 1

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It had been a week since the events at Carthage. Everything had been quiet and subdued at Bobby's. Lacey seemed to have gone into a depression since they had lost Ellen and Jo. She just sat on the sofa in Bobby's back room watching a stack of movies Dean had got for her. That's where Sam found them now, Lacey was curled up on the sofa wearing black jeans, a white t-shirt and an old hoodie of Deans.

"What are you watching?" He asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Howls Moving Castle." She replied, never taking her eyes off the screen.

"I've had a call from Martin." Sam told Dean.

"Really?" Dean asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. He's asked us to check out the hospital he's at. Says there's a monster killing the patients and making it look like suicide."

"How are we going to do that?"

"It's all sorted. I've got the files all ready." He said holding up a manila folder.

"Okay. Let's go." Dean said getting up from the sofa.

"That didn't take much convincing?" Sam said suspiciously.

"She's got Cinderella lined up next." Dean muttered.

"I heard that!" Lacey called as they walked out of the room.

A few hours later they were sat in the office of the head of staff at the hospital. As the Doctor looked through their files.

"You were referred to me by a Dr Babar in Chicago." Lacey raised an eyebrow at Dean.

"That's right." Sam replied.

"Isn't there a children's book about an elephant named Babar?" The Doctor asked looking at them over the top of his glasses.

"I don't know. I don't have any elephant books. Look Doctor I...I think that he...the Doc was in over his head with this one, cause my brother's uh." Dean whistled and circled his finger by his ear.

"Okay fine, thank you. That's...that's really not necessary. Why don't you tell me how you're feeling Alex?" He asked turning to Sam.

"I'm fine. I mean okay, a little depressed I guess."

"Alright. Any idea why?"

"Probably because I started the apocalypse."

"The apocalypse?"

"Yeah. That's right."

"And you think you started it."

"Well yeah, I mean, I killed this demon, Lilith and I accidentally freed Lucifer from hell. So now he's top side and we're trying to stop him."

"Who is?" The Doctor asked.

Me, and him. And uh, Alice." He siad nodding towards her. "And this one angel."

"Oh you mean like an angel on your shoulder?"

"No, no. His name's Castiel. He wears a trench coat."

"See what I mean?" Dean interjected. "I mean the kids been beating himself up about this for months. The apocalypse wasn't his fault."

"It's not?" The Doctor asked confused.

"No. There was this other demon, Ruby. She got him addicted to demon blood. I mean near the end he was practically chugging the stuff. My brother's not evil. He was just.." Dean searched for the word. "High. Yeah? So would you fix him up so we can get back to travelling around the country and hunting monsters?" Dean asked. The Doctor looked at him in disbelief, before turning to Lacey.

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