Under Lock and Key Part 2

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The following morning they headed over to the hospital to question another girl who had been attacked. She was sat up in bed nursing cuts and bruises and staring at the three of them wide eyed.
"It happened so fast."
"It's alright Melissa. What came at you? Ypu can tell us." Sam told he gently. Lacey smiled a little, she had definitely missed this side of Sam.
"It... it looked like a giant bat. You think I'm making it up, right? That's what the other man said." She sounded slightly hysterical.
"Well I'm not the other man."
"It came right at me. It was huge. I swear. That's how I got this." She leaned forward, showing them deep cuts running across her back and shoulders.
"So it attacked. And then what happened?"
"I don't know. I passed out, and when I woke up, it was gone."
"Is there anything else you can think of? Anything you can tell us, even if it doesn't seem important?" Sam emphasised.
"Well my ring got lost or else that thing stole it, if that makes any sense."
"What kind of ring?" Dean asked.
"Gold. Promise ring." The three of them exchanged glances.
"Promise ring. So, uh, from like a church? Like a purity ring?"
"Yeah. Why?" She looked between the three of them.
"I got to ask. Uh, Melissa... look, nobody is judging anybody here, okay? Believe me. But... should you really be wearing that ring?" The girl stared at him in disbelief.
"Well...I...I mean..."
"Really?" Dean prodded.
"Matt Barne didn't count!" The girl practically screamed at them.
"Okay..." Lacey looked at her like she'd lost her mind. "Well, thank you for your time." They left the girl there to stew and headed back out to the parking lot.
"So, what, you think Batman tried to rape her?" Sam theorised. Lacey shook her head.
"I've never been a fan."
"Well he does carry a lot of rage." Dean joked. "But he rejected her because she was already dehymenated, huh?"
"You think?" Sam sounded sceptical.
"I think it just goes that being easy's pretty much all upside." Dean grinned at Lacey, wiggling his eyebrows. She shook her head, laughing.
"So what kind of thing likes virgins and gold?"
" ?" Dean guessed.
"You know, it's comforting." Sam confessed.
"What's that?" Dean asked as they got in the car.
"I died for a year, came back, and you're still not funny." Lacey let out a snort.
"Shut up. I'm hilarious."

"This can't be possible." Sam muttered as he stared at his laptop. The three of them had headed back to the motel to try and figure out what they were dealing with.
"Try me."
"Um, I googled fire, claws, flying, stealing virgins and gold, and it all takes me to the same place."
"World of Warcraft fansites." Dean and Lacey stared at him blankly.
"I don't know what that means."
"Dragons, dude. See? Told you. Not possible."
"Actually it might be." Dean shrugged.
"How? In what reality?" Sam scoffed.
"It's been a strange year. We should get a second opinion." Dean picked up his phone and dialled Bobby's number.
"Yeah?" Came the usual gruff answer.
"What do you know about dragons?" Dean opened with.
"What? Nothing."
"Well they're not like the Loch Ness monster, Dean. Dragons aren't real." Bobby told him patronisingly.
"Could you make a few calls?"
"To who? Hogwarts?"
"Humour me." Dean requested.
"Fine." Bobby sighed defeatedly.
"You're a gentleman and a scholar."
"Yeah, yeah." Bobby brushed him off. "Hey, how's memento doing over there? He caught you in any lies yet?"
"Everything's fine. Sam says hey." Dean replied before hanging up.
"You okay?" Sam asked, noticing the expression on Deans face.
"Bobby say anything?" Sam asked as he flipped through John's journal.
"Nope." Dean raised an eyebrow. "Dad never wrote anything about dragons. I promise. I'd remember if I read The Neverending Story in there."
"Hey, did we hunt a skinwalker lately?" Sam asked, frowning down at the page he was on. Lacey's eyes shot up to Dean's.
"Doesn't ring a bell. Why?"
"I don't know. Just... déjà vu or something. Are you sure? I could of sworn..." He trailed off.
"You got to remember, your eggs are still a little scrambled, right? But yeah, I'm sure."
"All right. Yeah. Never mind." Lacey let out a breath she hadn't even realised she'd been holding. Dean's phone started to ring.
"Hey Bobby, what do you got?" He asked.
"Can't believe she didn't jump right to mind. Dr Visyak, Medieval studies, SFU."
"Dr Visyak. SFU. Got it. Thanks." He hung up the phone. "All right, me and Lacey are going to San Francisco, figure out how to kill these things."
"We are?" Lacey sounded surprised.
"We are." Dean confirmed. "You figure out where they are." He told Sam as he started grabbing stuff and shoving it into a bag.
"You know I could just teleport us there just this once, save us some time." Lacey suggested. Dean stopped what he was doing.
"Oh right yeah. Good idea." Lacey got to her feet.
"Wait, did Bobby say where they like to park?" Sam asked as Lacey took hold of Deans arm.
"Great." Sam groaned. "Back to the lore."
"Which says what? That they live in middle earth?"
"No. Caves." Sam corrected. Dean shook his head.
""You're such a nerd." Lacey smiled.
"See you later." She waved before teleporting them out.

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