An Untold Story

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Maxine Nightingale – Right Back
Clooney – Wham Bam
Whitney Houston – I Wanna Dance with Somebody

Lacey had spent the rest of the day catching up on sleep, so when she got up the next morning she was raring to go visit Dean again. She set herself up on the sofa and concentrated on Dean. This time she didn't have to look far for him, when she opened her eyes she was sitting in the back seat of the impala.
"Hey." She said softy.
"Jeez!" Dean jumped, glancing in the rear view mirror at her.
"What?" Sam looked up from the book in his lap.
"Just Lacey, in the back seat." Dean told him. "I thought you said you would be back soon?" Dean asked her, accusingly.
"Well that was yesterday, and here I am." Lacey said, frowning at him.
"Lacey, that was almost two months ago." Dean told her. Lacey's eyes widened in shock.
"What? Okay, well, like we talked about before, time doesn't seem to be the same here as it is for me there... I don't know how it works." She shrugged, her mind swimming. They continued down the road in silence for a few minutes until a woman ran out into the road in front of them.
"Holy..." Dean slammed on the brakes. "That her?" He asked as the woman approached the car.
"Dean, I don't think she knows she's dead." Sam said.
"What's going on?" Lacey asked.
"Two ghosts haunting this stretch of highway, same night every year." Dean explained quickly as the woman began to bang on the window.
"Please! Open up! Please!" Sam rolled down the window.
"All right, all right. Calm down, calm down. Tell us what happened." Dean opened the door and got out, Lacey was about to follow suit when she heard Sam say softly;
"Don't know if you're still there Lacey, but, he missed you, a lot." Before he got out of the car. Lacey blinked to herself before opening the back door and getting out, shutting it quickly.
"I swerved and we crashed. And when I came to, the car was wrecked and my husband was missing. I went looking for him, but that's when the man from the road, he started chasing me." The woman explained.
"Did he look like he lost a fight with a lawn mower?" Dean asked.
"How did you know that?" The woman stared at him.
"Lucky guess."
"Ma'am, what's your name?" Sam asked.
"Molly. Molly Mcnamara." Sam and Dean shared a look.
"I think maybe you should come with us. We'll take you back into town." Sam suggested.
"I can't. I have to find David. He might have gone back to the car."
"We should get you somewhere safe first. Then Dean and I will come back. We'll look for your husband." Sam tried to persuade her.
"No. I'm not leaving here without him. Would you just take me back to my car please?" Moll asked.
"Of course. Come on." They got back in the car and drove a short way down the road before Molly instructed them to pull over.
"It's right over there." Molly lead them off the road and into the woods before stopping dead in her tracks. "I don't understand. I'm sure this is where it was. We hit that tree right there. This doesn't make any sense." She began to walk around the tree, examining it.
"Dean, we got to get out of here. Greeley could show up at any second." Sam said, keeping his voice low.
"What are you gonna tell her?"
"The truth?"
"She's gonna take off running in the other direction." Molly walked back over to them.
"I know it sounds crazy, but I crashed into that tree. I don't know who could've taken it. Please. You have to believe me." She looked desperately between the three of them. Lacey noticed her eyes falling on her and balked a little.
"It's okay." She said, patting Molly's arm. Molly gave her a grateful look, confirming Lacey's suspicions that she could indeed see her.
"Molly, listen, we do believe you. But that's why we want to get you out of here." Sam told her, unaware of the exchange.
"What about David? Something must have happened. I have to get to the cops."
"Cops, that's a great idea. We'll take you down to the station ourselves. So just come with us. It's the best way we can help your husband."
"Okay." Molly reluctantly agreed. They got back in the car, Molly in the back next to Lacey.
"We're supposed to be in Lake Tahoe." Molly said, quietly.
"You and David?"
"It's our five year anniversary."
"A hell of an anniversary."
"Right before, we were having the dumbest fight. It was the only time we ever really argued... when we were stuck in the car."
"Yeah. I know how that goes." Sam laughed. Dean gave a him a look.
"You know the last thing I said to him? I called him a jerk. Oh, god. What if that's the last thing I said to him?" Molly agonised.
"Molly, we're gonna figure out what happened to your husband. I promise." Sam told her, reassuringly. Suddenly the radio leapt into life, blaring out House of the rising sun.
"Did you?" Dean asked.
"No." He looked in the rear view mirror and Lacey shook her head.
"I was afraid you'd say that."
"This song..." Molly began.
"It was playing when we crashed." The radio began to crackle and a creepy voice came over the airwaves.
"She's mine. She's mine. She's mine."
"What is that?" Molly asked, startled. Suddenly Greely appeared in the road ahead.
"Hold on." Dean put his foot down.
"What are you doing?" Lacey put a hand on Molly's shoulder.
"It's okay, trust us." She told her as Dean drove the car straight through Greeley.
"What the... what the hell just happened?"
"Don't worry, Molly. Everything's gonna be all right." As soon as Sam said that the car shuddered to a halt.
"Spoke a little too soon, Sammy." Dean tried to start the car but the engine wouldn't turn over. "I don't think he's gonna let her leave."

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