Selfless, Brave and True Part 2

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Imagine Dragons Demons

Adam Lambert Cuckoo

Natalia Kills Rabbit Hole

Lacey was woken the next morning by Sam banging on the door to their motel room. The spoon bender they had met yesterday, Nikolai, had been found dead in his house, impaled on an array of cutlery. Dean was already up so Lacey quickly got dressed and they followed Sam over to the house. The police waved them under the cordon after they flashed their badges and pointed them in the direction of the living room. They found the officers crowded around a coffee table covered in blood and utensils.
"He probably should have bent those with the power of his mind." Dean muttered as they examined the table. Lacey wrinkled her nose at all the blood, glad she hadn't had time to eat anything before they got here.
"Chief, we met at the station." Sam shook hands with the officer in charge.
"Right, morning Agent."
"Morning, Uh this is Agent Borne and Agent Carter. So, what happened?" Sam asked once the introductions had been made.
"It's a weird one. Chest full of cutlery."
"All right, we're gonna take a look around. Let us know if you get any leads."
"Oh I got leads coming out of my ass. As of 9'oclock this morning, our tip line had 46 calls, all from clairvoyants that know what really happened."
"What's the popular theory?" Dean asked.
"It's a toss-up between a ghost and some sort of ogre that only attacks Russians."
"Policing Lily Dale sounds fun." Dean quipped.
"It was either this or Los Angeles." The officer dead panned.
"So these clairvoyants, did they give any details as to why they thought it was a ghost? Or a Russian ogre?" Sam asked.
"Their spirit monkey said so." Lacey blinked at this. "Plus apparently this guy claims he had a vision of his own death, cutlery and all." Deans phone rang and he excused himself to answer it. The officer carried on with his duties, leaving Lacey alone with Sam.
"So.... What did you get up to while we were gone?" Lacey asked tentatively.
"Just worked a couple of minor cases, nothing major. What about you?"
"We worked a case... with Snow White and Prince Charming." Lacey smiled up at him.
"For real?" Sam raised his eyebrows.
"Yeah. Also I think my powers are coming back." Sam grinned back at her.
"That's awesome."
"I know, right." Dean came back over, interrupting their conversation.
"That was Melanie Golden. She's asked us to go over and see her, sounded kind of urgent." Sam nodded and they headed back to their cars.

When they arrived at Melanie's she lead them through to the living room again. There was a landline phone on the coffee table in front of them.
"I hadn't checked it until today. I mean, the only person who ever called my landline was my grandma."
"That's ok, go on." Sam encouraged.
"Look, I wouldn't put any stock in it. I mean she was always calling me with some crazy dream she was sure was a sign, that kind of thing, but... is it true Nikolai had a real vision of his death?"
"That's what we're told." Dean nodded.
"Well, so did she, the day she died." The three of them looked back at her, surprise written across their features. Dean reached across and squeezed her hand encouragingly. Lacey watched, a ball of anxiety forming in the pit of her stomach.
"What'd she say?"
"Well, you can listen to it if you want. She said she was in a séance, the lights go, it's freezing."
"Wait, she said that? That the room got cold?" Sam interrupted.
"Yeah, why is that important?" The three of them exchanged a look. "What? What is it?" Melanie looked worriedly between them.
"A ghost. The real deal."
"Come on. You're serious." Melanie sounded disbelieving until she saw the looks on their faces.
"See, there's fake whoo-whoo crap, and there's real whoo-whoo crap." Dean tried to explain.
"Well, yeah, but...ghosts?"
"Oh, trust me, there's a lot weirder out there than that."
"So, the X-Files is real, or you just stopped talking like an FBI Agent."
"Well.... we're not FBI Agents." Sam admitted.
"I need a drink."
"I support that." Dean smiled.

They left Melanie's a short while later.
"You know, if this is a spirit, it ain't your average spook tied to a house. I mean, this thing is boogying all over town."
"Not surprised. I mean, how many crystal balls do you think there are in Lily Dale?"
"Somewhere between 50 and all of them." Dean guessed as they walked towards the car he and Lacey had stolen.
"Well, I mean, quartz can act as an antenna for spirits, right? I mean, that's why mediums started using crystal balls in the first place."
"Well that means every storefront in town has a ghost satellite dish."
"Exactly. And this place is packed with people summoning spirits."
"Yeah, but dude, most of these guys can't even call a taxi." Dean reminded him. Lacey let out a chuckle as she leant against the side of the car.
"All it takes is one." Sam reminded him.
"That's gonna be like looking for a needle in a stack of fake needles." Dean groaned.
"It's worse. I mean, I'll bet you anything, some of these guys got real juice. I'm not talking kill people level. I'm just saying, enough to make it complicated. "
"I hate this town. All right so, what? Start hitting up the Miss Cleo's?"
"I was thinking split up and canvass. It's faster."
"I'll go with Dean." Lacey volunteered.
"I don't think you quite got the idea of splitting up." Sam told her gently.
"I'm not going around by myself, not without my powers. And I hate carrying a gun." Lacey complained.
"She can come with me, it's fine." Sam nodded before wandering down the street. Dean let out a sigh.
"It's going to take longer than a day, he'll come around eventually though." Lacey told him, watching his expression.
"Yeah, I know, you ready?" He asked. Lacey linked arms with him and they headed in the opposite direction.

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