Chosen Part 2

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78 Violet – Hothouse
Lightning Seeds – Don't Ever Change
The Fray – Love Don't Die
Andy Gibb – I Just Want To Be Your Everything

The following day the three of them headed over to the college and managed to track down Kevin's girlfriend, Channing. They were stood inside her dorm room, the boys dressed in their Fed outfits. Lacey had to admit, she'd definitely missed Dean in a suit.
"The last time I saw Kevin was, like, a year ago." Lacey focused back on the conversation.
"When her disappeared?" Sam clarified.
"Mmhmm. He stole his mothers car because he thought he was on a mission from God or something. It was crazy." Channing sounded less than impressed. To be honest, Lacey couldn't really blame her, she would have found that difficult to swallow too if she didn't know the things she did.
"Shut up!" Channing's roommate looked up from her laptop. "My friend Adam, who got addicted to Adderall but got a perfs on his SATs, so it was totally worth it, same thing!"
"Shut up!" Lacey wished she could say she was following this exchange but a lot of it had gone over her head.
"Serious. Mission from God."
"Look, Channing, we know Kevin was here." Sam interjected.
"No, he wasn't."
"And we understand if you're trying to protect him. But nobody can protect Kevin better than we can." Sam assured her.
"I hate Kevin. I wouldn't protect him." Channing scoffed.
"I thought you two had a thing?" Dean asked.
"Yeah, when he was going to Princeton." Lacey stared at her for a moment, not sure if she'd heard right.
"Wow. Just like that?"
"Yeah." Channing's roommate laughed.

"So why would Kevin come sniffing around here if not to see her?"
"No idea. Maybe we should split up, ask around, see if anybody's seen him?" Sam suggested.
"Yeah, Asian kid, yea high, at a university. That should be easy." Dean grumbled.

Lacey and Dean had walked around the campus grounds, asking students and professors alike, but none of them had seen Kevin. They were heading towards an outdoor Café where they were meeting Sam.
"You know I feel kind of bad." Lacey admitted as she linked arms with Dean.
"What? Why?" Dean frowned, looking confused.
"Putting all this blame on Sam. I was here. I didn't look for Kevin either. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't think about him, I could only think about finding you."
"Hey." Dean stopped walking and turned to face her. "You looked for me, Sam barely bothered to do that. You didn't give up, he did. If Sam had kept his phone on, he could have dealt with the Kevin situation. He called Sam. This one falls at his door, not yours."
"I just feel bad that he didn't even cross my mind. When we find the guy, I owe him an apology. And probably some of my Aunt Sophia's cooking."
"Oh and I don't get any of Sophia's cooking?" Dean teased as they walked into the café courtyard.
"Maybe. Or you can have something better." She winked at Dean. "Look, there's Sam." She walked off in the direction of the table he was sitting at. Dean watched her go in amusement, smirking to himself before following her.
"Don't judge us, we've got bubkis." Dean said as they sat down.
"Well..." Sam started before a waitress came over and put a plate down in front of him.
"And here you go."
"Thank you." Sam pushed the plate of burger and fries across the table towards Dean.
"Sweet mother of God. It's for me? Seriously?" Dean looked adorably happy.
"Check this out. So, I went through campus security archives around the time Kevin should have been here. Anyone look familiar?" Sam turned his laptop around but soon realised no one was paying attention as Dean took a bit of his burger, his eyes closed, a look of bliss spread across his face. Lacey was watching him with a look of amusement and joy.
"Dude, it's a burger." Sam rolled his eyes.
"It's a treasure." Dean corrected him.
"Hey so uh, where's mine?" Lacey asked, frowning at Sam.
"Here." Dean slid his plate of fries towards her.
"Oh, no, those are yours, you deserve them." She told him, sliding them back. Dean shrugged and smirked at Sam, looking pleased with himself.
"All right, so, what, Kevin comes all the way to campus and doesn't see his girlfriend?" Dean asked, nodding at the freeze frame of Kevin from the security cameras.
"I don't know, but I went to the computer lab and found the computer he was on." Sam said, turning the laptop back around.
"And I found the website he was visiting, found his account username, hacked into the website, found when else this user name logged in, and then I reverse tracked the IP address back to the original user, Kevin, who has apparently been using the same wireless router for two months." Lacey and Dean stared at him blankly.
"That is spectacular work. Any chance we can get that in English?"
"Yeah. I think he's in Iowa, at a coffee shop."
"OK, then." Lacey raised her hand to get the waitresses attention. "Let's go find him. After lunch."

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