Looking Glass House Part 2

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Later that day they headed out to a bar for dinner. Dean was at the bar getting them drinks. Garry sat down at the table. Lacey stared at the stool before her and tried to decide on the best course of action.

"Oh to hell with it." She put her foot on the rung along the bottom of the stool and used her powers to slowly float herself up onto the seat. She smiled to herself triumphantly.

"You were very brave earlier, facing up to that ghost." Garry commented.

"No more than usual." Lacey shrugged.

"Maybe later we can lose Dean and go somewhere more private..." Garry wiggled his eyebrows and grinned at her. Lacey sat there a moment with her mouth open, frowning, trying to make sense of what she'd just heard.

"Uh...wha...uh I'm okay...thank you."

"Suit yourself." Garry replied. Dean appeared holding their drinks. Lacey grabbed her coke from him and began gulping it down. One of the waitress's came up to take their order.

"Do me a favour sweetheart, could you bring me a cheeseburger with extra bacon? And fry an egg on top of it would you?" Dean asked.


"Oooh, that sounds good. Ditto."

"Uh, could I get the quesadilla please?" Lacey asked leafing through the menu.

"Be right back with your order."

"Okay, who are you and what have you done with Sam?"

"Uh, what do you mean?" Garry asked, startled.

"Bacon cheeseburgers now?"

"I don't know. I eat them don't I? Anyways we are celebrating."

"Yeah I guess. Another one bites the dust. Nice work today."

"You too. I had uh, a really awesome day man, seriously. Whoo! Sweet!" He said as he downed his shot."

"A really awesome day?"

"Yeah why not?"

"It was a random D list ghost hunt. That's awesome to you?"

"I can't be in a good mood?"

"Yeah, I guess. No, actually, it's not really your style Sam."

"Well then, it's a new me. I mean, come on, why shouldn't I be happy? I've got a gun, I'm getting drunk and I look like this." His grin faded. "I don't know. You ever feel like your whole future is being decided for you?"

"Oh yeah Sam, I feel like that a lot." Dean said giving him a look.

"No matter how much you fight it you can't stop the plan. The stupid, stupid plan. So I don't know. I guess it's uh, it's just nice to do a little ass kicking for a change, that's all. Uh, you know what? I'm drunk. Sorry. Just, just forget it."

"No, no. It's all right. I'll drink to that. Wow, you know, is it just me or are we actually drinking together?"

"We don't do it that often huh?"

"Yeah, you could say that." Dean scoffed.

"Well we should. You're a good guy Dean."

"Man you are drunk."

"Here we go." The waitress brought their food over.

"Mmm! Thank you."


"No, but I mean it. You really are a good guy." He took a bite of his burger. "Mmm! The bread alone!"

A while later once they'd finished their food, "Sam" had left them and was sitting at the bar talking to an older woman.

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