Fall Part 1

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Dean opened the door to their motel room and turned on the light. As he strode inside his phone began to ring.
"Classified server? Got to be Deveraux, right?" He guessed before picking up. "Hello? Thank God. Frank, what do you got for me?" He grabbed a radio from Sam before wandering further into the room. "Frank, you're breaking up." Sam put his bag down on the floor.
"Glad I'm not staying in this one." Sam gave a start and spun around to find Lacey standing in the doorway with her arms folded across her chest.
"Geez, Lace." Sam stepped forward and gave her a hug.

"What do you mean you can't find him? It's Dick Roman. Turn on CNN. Didn't you see him at that, uh, press conference in Phoenix? The bastard's everywhere." Dean could be heard from the other room.

"You sure? No, I don't care that they've infiltrated the luxury boat industry, Frank. Great. Call Kanye." Lacey had sat down on the bed as Sam started to unpack files from his bag when Dean walked back in.
"Lace." He looked surprised. "When did you get here?"
"Just now." She told him nonchalantly.
"Great...uh.. really glad you're here." Dean stammered.

"Frank's still stumped on Roman?" Sam asked, watching Dean flail.

"Yeah. All right, let's do this." Sam spread the folder out on the bed.

"Okay, um, look at the victim profiles. Same age, same hair color, body type. The ritual mutilations line up exactly." Lacey pulled a face.
"Line up with what?"
"Uh, about four years ago, maybe six months before we found you, this demon was torturing and mutilating women. We managed to get some information out of him about Lilith before we sent his ass back to hell." Dean explained.
"And now it look's like he's back." Sam finished.

"Who down there would've let our demon out of the can? He squealed on his superiors. We made sure of that. I mean, he should be down under until, uh, trumpet day."

"But two women killed in the last two weeks, same parts missing, I mean, same old hunting grounds, even."

"All right, well, we can take a swing at it. But you know it's all about the Leviathans now, okay? They're the ones we need to be hunting." Dean told Sam.

"Yeah, but, no, I mean, not right now. This one's ours, Dean. It's unfinished business, apparently."

"All right." Dean sighed.

They spent the rest of the evening lounging around the room, waiting for something else to happen. Dean grabbed them pizza's and he watched TV while Sam poured over the case notes and Lacey sat in one of the chairs reading her book. A few hours later, Lacey was curled up, asleep in her chair when the radio jumped to life.

"This is Unit 32. Repeat, Unit 32. We've got another one." Sam and Dean sat up on their beds. "That's a 187. Female Caucasian...maybe late 30s, at the Henley Auto-Wash." There was a response from one of the dispatch officers.
"Unit 32, assistance is en route."

"We got a real mess here, dispatch."
Dean got to his feet and put his hand on Lacey's shoulder. He pulled back as he felt the red hot burning under her skin.
"Lace?" He pulled her jacket from around the chair and draped it over her shoulders before shaking her awake. Lacey's eyes fluttered open and she sat up.
"What's going on?"
"You're burning up, sweetheart."
"Oh, right. My powers have been acting up a bit, now that they're coming back." She told him. She concentrated and her temperature began to drop.
"You're ok?" Dean asked, looking at her worriedly.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She brushed him off. "What's going on?"
"We got another dead body." Dean told her. He held his hand out, she looked at him uncertainly for a second, before taking it and he pulled her to her feet.

Dean drove them over to the crime scene. When they reached the area where all the police were gathered, Sam and Dean flashed their badges and an officer lifted up the yellow tape for the three of them.

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