Fall Part 2

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Wiz Khalifa See You Again
Taylor Swift Love Story
Kiss Crazy Crazy Nights

"...I had three smashed fingers, five teeth out, a broken wrist, nose, cheekbone, collarbone. I had to get 160 stitches. Mugged. The doctor on duty said it looked like I got caught in the Spanish Inquisition." Jeffrey recounted. Dean was on one end of the couch, Lacey on the other, still cuddling the dog.

"And we're the good guys." Dean said, sheepishly.

"They patched me up, mostly. But I lost my job, my health insurance. I just started to drink and drift, and I got lost. Had some kind of mental break. And I started to talk... about what happened." Dean winced.

"Aw, man. Never tell. Never... never."

"I know that now, believe me.

"So, let me guess. Drunk tank to psych eval to 72-hour forced hold to a nice long stay at an institution of their choice." Lacey frowned at Dean's knowledge of this process but didn't say anything.

"It's happened to friends of mine." Dean admitted and Lacey's frown lessened.

"For a long time, I didn't care. The truth was more important than where I was. I was in no shape to cope with the outside world."

"Well, hey, you got out, you know? Holding it together." Dean encouraged.

"And now the demon is back." Jeffrey looked down at his hands.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, man. I mean it – about all of it, you know?"

"You saved my life. I owe you for it. I know that. I owe a lot of people for getting even this far. I... crap." He looked up suddenly.


"If he isn't already circling the next woman, Marjorie, then I-I think I might know where he is. He had this special place where he kept souvenirs where he nested." Jeffrey's eyes danced with terror and excitement.

"Why didn't you tell us this?" Dean asked.

"I didn't want to go." Jeffrey admitted.

"You don't have to go. We'll handle it." Dean got to his feet and Lacey followed suit.

"I do. I have to." Jeffrey told them firmly.

Dean drove them out to the abandoned warehouse that Jeffrey directed them to. Jeffrey took the dog round the block for a walk seeing as they would be leaving her in the car. Lacey got out and sat on the hood of the car and Dean walked round and joined her.
"I know you're probably sick of hearing this but, are you sure you're ok?" Lacey looked up at the genuine concern in Dean's eyes.
"My powers are just acting up, they're coming back, that's the main thing." Lacey shrugged. "I might just look like a weirdo, trying to block out everyone's thoughts for a while." She joked.
"Yeah, well, we're all pretty bizarre, some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all." Lacey's head snapped up.
"What did you... we watched that movie years ago, you remember that line?"
"I had this weird dream the other night, I think that movie was in it." Dean screwed up his forehead trying to remember the more specific details.
"Was I in this dream?" Lacey asked, softly.
"Yeah, you were?" Dean frowned even more.
"And Sam was graduating from law school and we had normal lives?" Lacey continued.
"How do you know that?" Dean grabbed Lacey's shoulder, looking straight into her eyes.
"I had that dream too." Lacey told him.
"How... how can we be having the same dreams?" Dean asked.
"I have no idea." Lacey told him just as Jeffrey appeared with the dog. He opened the back door and lifted her inside.
"Good girl. You stay. Here's some jerky. Stay." Dean took out his phone and tried to get hold of Sam.
"Damn it – no service." He watched as Jeffrey closed the door. "Thing's not gonna pee in here, is it?"

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