A Bitter Draught

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Peaches- Boys want to be her
The Goo Goo Dolls – Iris
The Kills - Hawkeyes

Dean was driving by himself in the Impala when his phone began to ring
"Yeah?" He answered, seeing it was Sam.
"There's a cop car outside." Sam told him
"You think it's for us?" Dean frowned.
"I don't know."
"I don't see how. I mean we ditched the plates, the credit cards."
"They're leaving. False alarm." Sam said, relieved.
"Well, see. Nothing to worry about."
"Yeah, being fugitives? Frigging dance party." Sam grumbled.
"Hey man, chicks dig the danger vibe." Dean smirked.
"Do we?" Dean cursed and swerved as he realised Lacey was sitting next to him.
"Dean?" Sam asked on the other end.
"I'm fine, I'm fine, it's just Lacey." Dean told him.
"So you got anything yet?"
"Are you kidding me? How could I? You got me sifting through like 50 square miles of real estate here." Dean grumbled.
"Well, that's where all the victims disappeared."
"Yeah, well, I got diddly squat. What about you?"
"Just one thing. I'm pretty sure of it now. We're hunting a Djinn." Dean's eyebrows went up.
"A freaking genie?"
"What? You think these suckers can really grant wishes?"
"I don't know." Sam mused. "I guess they're powerful enough. But not exactly like Barbara Eden in harem pants. I mean, Djinn have been feeding off people for centuries. They're all over the Koran." Dean smirked.
"My god. Barbara Eden was hot, wasn't she? Way hotter than that Bewitched chick."
"Pffft!" Lacey rolled her eyes at him. "Never mind Samantha's hotness or lack there of, Aunt Clara was hilarious." Dean raised an eyebrow at her and shook his head.
"Are you even listening to me?" Sam asked on the other end.
"Yeah... so, where do the Djinn's lair up?"
"Ruins usually. Bigger the better, more places to hide."
"You know, I think I saw a place a few miles back. I'm gonna go check it out."
"Wait, no, no, no, no, no." Sam protested. "Come pick me up first."
"Nah, I'm sure it's nothing. I just wanna take a look around." Dean told him, before hanging up and turning the Impala around. A few minutes later they pulled up outside an abandoned factory. Lacey shivered, as they got out of the car, looking up at the building looming over them in the dark.
"Well, it's definitely got the creep factor." Dean chuckled and pulled a flashlight from his jacket as they entered the building. The front door creaked as they opened it.
"See, creepy." Lacey muttered. They made their way up one of the corridors, Dean playing the flashlight over the hall ahead of them. Lacey turned her head, listening as a dripping sound echoed in the darkness. As she turned back Dean was rounding the corner ahead of her. There was a crash and the flashlight fell to the floor, the beam bouncing as it rolled away. Lacey ran around the corner and found the Djinn with Dean pinned to the wall, it's hand began to glow blue. Lacey raced forward, intending to tackle the Djinn but as Dean's eyes began to glow blue, she felt a pulling sensation from the back of her stomach and as soon as she took another step began to fall.

Lacey's head felt heavy as she began to come to. She was lying on something soft, she frowned as she opened her eyes. She had dived toward Dean in that abandoned warehouse. If she had fallen then logically she should have landed on the concrete floor, but as she sat up, her eyes adjusting to the darkness, she realised she was in a bed, in a room she didn't recognise. There was a rustling and movement beside her as Dean sat up too. They stared at each other for a moment.
"Where are we?" Dean asked as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up.
"No idea." Lacey said, following suit. As Dean pulled on a shirt and searched for his phone, Lacey padded across the bedroom and opened the door. She peered out and found a dark and empty living room.
"Sam?" Dean walked out behind her, having found his phone. "I don't know. I don't know where I am." Dean put the phone on speaker as Lacey began to look around the room.
"What? What happened?"
"Well, the Djinn. It attacked me."
"The gin? You're drinking gin?" Sam sounded confused.
"No, asshat. The Djinn. The scary creature. Remember? It put it's hand on me and then I woke up with... someone..." Dean shrugged at Lacey.
"Who? Lacey?" Sam laughed on the other end of the line. "Dean you're drunk, you're drunk dialling me." Lacey glanced up from the mail she'd found on the table.
"I am not drunk. Quit screwing around!" Dean glared at the phone.
"Look, it's late. All right, just get some sleep. And I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"
"Wait! Sam? Sam!" Dean shouted but he'd already hung up. As Dean hung up the phone, Lacey waved the envelopes at him.
"Have a look at these." Dean took them from her and began to read the addresses on the front of the envelopes.
"Dean Winchester, Lacey McNulty, 153 Barker Avenue, Lawrence?" Dean frowned. "What the hell?"
"Yeah that about covers it." Dean gave her a reassuring grin but his expression froze as he spotted something behind her. "What?" Lacey asked as he brushed past her, grabbing something from the shelf behind her. "What is it?" She asked again.
"We gotta go."

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