Mina - My Princess (Part 2)

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Y/n's POV

After the trip to Jeju Mina and I became closer. I personally think she's smart since she easily adapts in the life here. She even know how to cook using electronic gadgets pretty smart right? She said she wanted to start doing some portal stuff in order for her to go back in her Kingdom. Even if I dislike the idea I still smiled and told her that if ever she needs my help or something she can tell it to me anytime.

"Y/n I actually think this is a good tool." Mina said while getting amazed at the oven. I just chuckled at her adorableness and patted her head. I heard the oven dinged signalling the dish is done and told Mina that she can get the pastry inside the oven.

"Careful it's hot you're highness." I playfully said, she just giggled and lay the plate on the table.

"Here you can taste it now. I said as I get her a piece of the sweet pastry."

"Thank you Y/n, Hmmm this is so good." She hummed satisfyingly. I just smiled and make my way towards the couch to gather my things for work. I think she noticed me as she stopped eating and strutted towards me.

"Where are you going Y/nn?" She asked whining and clutching her arms around mine. I just laughed and untangled her hands gently.

"I'm going to work Mina. I still have to be present there." I chuckled and she shake her head furiously.

"Noooo... Don't leave me here please. Can I go with you instead?" She pouted while pleading I just sighed and faced her.

"I'm sorry Minari but I can't bring you with me. They don't allow some visitors there during work hours." I said while chuckling.

"But Y/nnnnnnnn pleaseeee....." She whined cutely.

"I'll be lonely here Y/n please bring me with you." She added.

"I'm really sorry princess I really can't. Don't worry I'll be home soon enough." I promise while showing my pinky finger. She looked at it curiously and I smiled while grabbing her hands intertwined our pinkies and connected our thumb.

"That is like a gesture of saying a promise." I smiled and she nodded her head and don't push me in bringing her with me.

"Okay make sure you come home early. Take care Y/nn." She smiled widely. I smiled and wave goodbye at her.

Everyday had been rolling and it's not the same and usual anymore it's been a couple of months since everything had change. From a boring cycle of my life into everyday looking forward in seeing Mina and being able to spend my time with her. I'm falling deeply with her as the time goes by and I just don't refrain myself anymore. I try my best to show her sweet gestures to let her know she's important to me, I always make sure to go home early to be with her. In short, I'm whipped for her. I'm always looking forward to our movie nights since she does love watching movies. Even if I am tired after work, in just seeing her huddled up in the couch waiting for me patiently while munching cutely on some popcorns makes my tiredness fade away. One of those times is right now. She's cuddled up on my side as she laid her head on my shoulder. This is also one of the things I like about her she's affectionate but at the same time reserved. I continue on gazing at her cute side profile and thank the heavens for bringing her to me. Even though she doesn't know about my feeling towards her I'm still happy just having her around.

"Y/nn I actually want to tell you something." She excitedly said while lifting her head up to look at me.

"I'm all ears Mina." I smiled.

"I'm almost done in making the portal way back home!" She squealed. As I hear those words I tried my best to show my smile and be happy for her, after all this is not where she is supposed to be.

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