Jihyo - Favorite Holiday

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3rd Person's POV

Finding true love is never been easy. Before you end up with a person that is perfect fit for you, you have to walk first in a heartbreak that'll surely help you pick the right one in your life. But Jihyo is not having any of it now, she'd been through alot. Like really alot, she was cheated on a countless times and she thinks she'll never find the perfect person for her. What makes her wonder is that she always end up being single during or around Christmas. Because of that, she started to hate the season. Whenever the Christmas trees are displayed around the area she'd feel better about it, since it only brings a painful memory. She'd sometimes kick off the snow along the way to get rid of the saltiness. Blaming the season, Jihyo never felt the essence of Christmas. So  instead of celebrating it annually with a happy feeling, she'd rather stay inside her house and be alone. She's slowly giving up in the thought of finding her true love. It seems like her heart is already hard about the word love and curse every Christmas that passes. Can't blame the girl though, those man and woman just don't appreciate the beauty of her and don't realize how they loss a big part of their life.

"Park Jihyo wake upppp!!!!" Her friend Nayeon shouted excitedly.

"What now?" She groggily asked and shake off the grip of the older girl.

"Look it's snowing!!! Let's play snowball fight outside cmooooonn" Nayeon said jumping up and down and Jihyo huffed at the childish act of the other.

"You know how much she hates it when Christmas is around right?" Jeongyeon suddenly said while plopping herself in the beanbag just beside her bed.

"Oh c'mon, you should not make it ruin the feels. Jihyo, c'mon you'll find a better person." Nayeon convinced and Jihyo glared at her.

"Nope, I don't think so. Besides if you want to play, you and Jeongyeon just go and just let me sleep more." Jihyo said plainly and Nayeon shake her head.

"Ahhhh.... Jihyo! Please?!?" Nayeon whined while Jeongyeon laughed.

"Let's just go Ji. Just this time this bunny is so loud you know she won't stop until you go with us right?" Jeongyeon sighed while Nayeon smiled sheepishly.

"Fine. You childish brat." Jihyo sighed while Nayeon excitedly want out of the house and skip around.

"See? Told you." Jeongyeon chuckled.

As the two started to start the snowball war, the third girl just stared at the the two bored. She can never find something amusing in cold season she hates in so much. More on the happenings, during the season. She hesitates to throw back a snowball at first as she was thrown a snowball on her face. Jihyo being a competitive one, changes her expression and turned into a smirking badass lady.

"I already told I don't want to, but since you insist it let's end this." Jihyo smirked evilly at the two and they started to run as fast as possible away from the pissed Jihyo.

"Yah... We're sorry now. Please stop throwing some on us. Please Jihyo ouchiee." Nayeon groaned as Jihyo hits her a snowball in the face.

"Hahaha... That's so funny!" Jeongyeon laughed out soon stopped as she also swallowed a snow. The three of them laughed loudly and just stick to walking around the area, although the other one, despise it.

"Let's go in that cafe!" Nayeon squealed and they rolled their eyes at her.

"Too loud, I wish I could stitch that blabbering mouth of yours to shut it." Jeongyeon groaned and Jihyo just drag the two since she doesn't like her friends to kill each other in the middle of the place.

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