Momo - Lie All You Want

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To all Mochul shippers out there this is just for the plot okay?...

MomoxFemale reader

Y/n's POV

You know the feeling when you badly want to be with the person you love but you do know that even if you try hard to win her heart she's just going to crumble your heart into pieces? I really do know what it feels like since I'm currently experiencing it. My long time friend Momo has a boyfriend named Heechul and I'm here, still admiring her and hoping that destiny will be on my side. I did confessed to her 2 months ago and it leaves me shattering my whole heart. Of course she'll reject me, she already have Heechul, why would she pick me over him? I mean I totally look like a potato. After my confession, I distance myself to Momo to lessen the awkwardness cause I know she'll feel less comfortable around me after that confession. I know we're friends and we're still literally hanging out but I just mainly talk with my other friends. I still have Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu to help me become less awkward and left out whenever the couple sit with us during lunch or break time. I really don't know but my stupid heart still beats for her. No matter how hard I try to stop loving her it just keep on growing everytime I see her beautiful face, her captivating smile and her cute demeanor.

"Hello?! Y/n??? Are you even listening? we've been calling you alot of times and you're just poking your food." Jeongyeon said while shaking me. I just nodded my head and ate the food that I poked.

"Yeah. I'm all good. What are guys talking about again?" I asked clearly clueless about their chit chat. They gave me worried looks and Jihyo suddenly spoke.

"Are you okay? You're spacing out most of the time? Care to tell us? You know we'll listen right?" I just shrugged my shoulders and answered.

"I'm fine Ji, just occupied to all the projects the professor had been giving, that's all." My eyes didn't fail to see the doubts in their eyes and I'm sure there's one pair of eyes that is staring intensely in my side profile. I didn't need to know who it is since I perfectly know she's been staring lately but I just shrugged the thought and stand up.

"And where are you going now?" Nayeon asked.

"Library, I'm just gonna finish my works." I said while gathering my stuffs.

"See you later guys." I said plainly.

"I'll come with you Y/nn." Sana said while clinging on me tightly while giggling. I just chuckled at the bubbly girl and nodded my head.

As me and Sana are heading to the library I heard suddenly spoke in a soft voice.

"You're still hurting are you?" She asked while looking straight the hall. I just sighed and mindlessly nodded.

"Well, I totally understand your situation, you still see the person you fell in love to everyday, of course the moving on process would be a little hard. But don't you think Momo likes you too?" I furrowed my brows at the last sentence the girl have spoken.

"Are you really asking me that? She obviously don't like me Sana, she even rejected me remember?" I asked clearly confused as to why did Sana even think about it.

"Can't you see the way she looks at you? She even often checks on you if you're attending the class or if you're okay. She's just asking it to our other friends cause she feels like if she approach you, you'll just ignore her." She said while I just shake my head.

" I'm sure that's just a friendly gesture, I don't want to get my hopes up I might end up crushed." I said.

"Let's just talk about this the other time." I said dismissive.

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