Mina - Too Late To Say I Love You

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This Chapter is requested by KatsuyaGarou Hope you guys like it!

Male Reader

3rd Person's POV

"Minari!!!" A young boy called after the girl who's happily running around the park. Mina and Y/n is the best buddies of all since they're five. They're mother's wants the two to hopefully be together when the future wants to. It was just a wishful thinking for the two woman but there's nothing wrong in hoping right?

"Ouch!!!" Y/n hurriedly ran after Mina who tripped and kneel in front of the little girl. He sighed as he saw a little scrape in the girl's knee.

"See? I told you you should slow down." Y/n scolded a little. This makes Mina scrunch her forehead and cry. Y/n who has a soft spot for his friend panicked and apologized in an instant.

"No, stop crying Minari, I didn't mean to scold you." Y/n frowned and pat her head. Their parents looked at the two smiling, they just let them learn the things by their own and grow together.

"Here, you can have my candy as my sorry to you. I'm sorry now, stop crying Minari." Y/n sadly said and timidly handed the candy. Mina immediately stopped crying after seeing the sweet present. She nodded her head and reach for the candy. After that, Y/n pulled out a band-aid with a penguin design on it. He peeled the wrap and carefully stick it where the scrape is. He blew it twice before smiling. The little girl's eyes twinkled at the gesture and immediately hug the young boy. Y/n giggled at it and hug her back.

"That should be healed, so make sure to not remove that sticky penguin in your knee okay?" Y/n smiled and help Mina up. Mina nodded her head and immediately ran away from Y/n but not before tagging him.

"Hah! Tag! Run after me slow poke!!!" Mina laughed and ran away fastly. Y/n whined and ran after her.

"That's unfair!! Hey come back!!" Y/n whined.


After the two finished their elementary years, the two were also enrolled in the same school together during highschool. There, they met their other friends which is Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu. The more the merrier. Even though there are additional people in their friendship the closeness of the two didn't even lessen. They were often mistaken as couple but the two just shrugged it cause they are really just so close like siblings.

The memories they make with their friends and especially with each other is all priceless. Having each other is nothing more they can ask for. They are the strength of each other and one can surely lean on each other's back whenever they need it.

During their senior year in highschool, Y/n suddenly took interest in music. He was scouted in a big company and he didn't know what to do. He didn't want to make less time with his friends, family and especially Mina. His parents knew about this and let him join the music industry but he still first need to finish the school year before joining. It's all up to him if he'll continue or not. It's his dream to make music but he still have alot of people that he may be seeing less. It's between his passion over the people that's important to him.

"Hey?! Y/n! Brooo! A penny for your thoughts?" Dahyun snapped Y/n out of his thoughts. They are currently in the cafeteria and the girl find Y/n's silence an odd since he's usually talkative.

"Is there something wrong?" Jihyo smiled comfortingly while patting his back gently. Y/n tried to lied but Mina beat him to it.

"Hmm, don't tell us that's there's nothing bothering you cause I can literally sense it. I know you well Y/n." Mina sternly looked at him. He closed his mouth for a minute before breathing out.

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