Momo - Lady in Red

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3rd Person's POV

Y/n was never drawn to a woman. But not before she met the girl, whom she didn't even chance to know the name. A part of her always seize to have the chance to be able to have a small conversation and have a dance with her. They met in a club months before and up until now, she never get to see a glimpse of the girl's presence in the club.

If she's a foreigner, that's a big problem since surely, she'll never get to see her. Unless, she's living or residing in there.

She can never explain how much the attraction the woman had that her face and the way her body move to the rhythm is always plastered in her mind. She's so intoxicating to see, feel and talk to. A woman with full of sexual appeal, cuteness and mysteriousness. This draws Y/n to visit the club regularly in all hopes in finding the girl dancing again in the middle of swarming dancing bodies.

Now, she's in her third drink as she let's her eyes scan the dance floor to entrance in all desperation to see the vixen she'd been dying to see. When she and Y/n first met, Y/n didn't expect how much spark and comfortableness she feels when the girl approached her and ask her for a drink and dance. Damn, the people that time are all eyes on her and Y/n is lucky enough to be asked for a dance by the fine lady. Never in a million years she thought of being this lucky. One of a hell lucky.

Y/n reminisce how that night became one of her most unforgettable moments in life. Here how it goes.




Y/n is currently in the bar having her day off as she takes a visit at the club to release all the pent up stress in work and give herself a break from all the pressure given to her as the Director of the Company she's in. The girl has the reputation in work as strict and wants nothing but perfection. A complete terror in work, make a mistake and you'll be roasted alive. She didn't know that this position will give her alot of headache as she's always dealing with some employees that can't even pick up a simple instruction. So she is now enjoying herself in the club downing liquor past her throat and satisfy herself at the free feeling that the club is giving off. She doesn't need to be enclosed with some incompetent workers as she is freely bobbing her head in the music and collide at the liberated feeling.

Much to Y/n's knowing, her presence in the club had been gathering lots of sultry glances from men, mostly in women. The girl has a boyish appeal and the aura she's giving, is enough to make every girl's knee buckle. While minding her own business, Y/n was glanced down by a woman who's sporting a very appealing dress. A red dress. Just like Y/n, she's also gathering lots of hungry looks from men and oh boy!!!did it make her so confident. She's smirking everytime she passed by a table, where men will twist their neck wherever direction she went. A complete seductress. A flower full of sweet succulent, scent of freshness.

"Hmm... She looks cute." The girl said as she looks intently at the drinking hottie. As their eyes met, the inside of the girl, twist into something she had never experience before a burning feeling of desire and admiration. Although she's a little intoxicated, she knows she's still in her sane mind. She knows that whatever the feeling, it's because it is in her system and not because of the alcohol she'd taken before.

Straightening her posture, she confidently strides towards the girl who seemed to be in trance under her gaze. She smirked at the sight and purposely swayed her hips a little more to add the magic effect she'd currently drown the girl. As she's nearing she can hear how her heart beat a little fast at the nervousness. Although she's a complete confident in the outer, she's still hiding a little consciousness in her body. Especially when the girl is looking at her intently. As if she's looking through her soul and reading all of her. She feels so special at the gaze and she smiled widely as she already reached the girl.

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