Nayeon - Push and Pull

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No one's POV

Label is what people look for a relationship, you don't get to demand something for a person unless that certain person is committed to you and vice versa. It is like an assurance of locking the person's heart in your hands and make sure that he/she only wants you and don't wander looking for some more love. Im Nayeon, the school's most popular girl, pretty, smart, influential, name it, the said girl has it all. But one thing lacks her character, and that is the desire of loving and sticking into a one person. So that basically means, she's a player. She knows that almost every man and woman around her are willing to do everything in their power to get her attention and she takes advantage of it. She'll make them beg on their knees like a servant and sometimes she uses her ability to swoon alot of people. She easily get away with trouble just by fluttering them with sweet words then leave with no worries. Some even call her a womanizer since she mostly targets those ladies who have a big crush on here, you rarely see her try it with a guy but nonetheless man is still not crossed out on the list. Despite the record and rumors about her, the said girl is still not fazed at it. She's like a bull that whoever she passes and targets will surely be left devastated. Well, her looks has to say on all of it, she has adorable bunny teeth that makes her cute. A smile that is as bright as the sunshine and lastly her outgoing personality. There's no denying that alot of people will find her interesting and lovable. One of them is the school's scholar, Y/n Y/Ln. She do like the girl and is always there whenever she needs her. She's like her fallback whenever the latter is done breaking another heart. The scholar doesn't even mind it. She's willing to pick up and help the girl whatever she needs and asks. Whipped is the exact word about it. She's smart academically, but I guess when the heart talks, it just shut down the ability of our brain to contemplate stuffs and just follow whatever the heart dictates. Y/n likes her, needless to say. The girl can't help but be concerned and hurt at the other girl's action and sometimes wonder why is she doing those things. She even wonders why she keeps on helping her, but it can't be helped, the attraction is too much, it's inevitable, very intoxicating. The girl always confuses Y/n. There are some days which she will show up in her doorstep and hang around with her, be nice and even share some passionate kiss with her sometimes ignites deeper than that. But there's also some day wherein they'll just pass by each other at the school hall as if they are complete stranger. Nayeon is a big puzzle to Y/n that she needs to complete. She wants answer and up until now she don't know what is the key.

Y/n's POV

I groaned loudly as I heard the doorbell rings. I just huffed and toss around to ignore it and hopefully go back to sleep. It's 3am in the morning and I don't know why the hell is there someone who's ringing the doorbell. This time I huffed and sat up angrily and gargled my mouth before seeing who's outside. Damn if this is some stupid prank from the kids outside I'll kill them. I lazily open the door and was soon greeted by a pair of lips. Just not like before, my body and mind now is awake as I see Nayeon hungrily kissing me. I then closed my eyes and hold her hips, backing both our bodies inside my home, slowly turned around and closed the door with my right foot, still kissing her. She moaned at the feeling and I slowly lower our body on the couch to hover over her and dominate the kiss. She gasped as I place my cold hand inside her sweater and trace her abdomen. She arch her body, desperate for friction and I slowly drag my hand in her lower back to pull her close to me. The kiss was hot and rushed but I don't mind it since I'm loving it. I guess she's already satisfied as she disconnect the kiss with a string of saliva in each our lips, indication of the intimate moments the two of us shared just awhile. She giggled and caress my cheek and look at me lovingly. This is the reason why I still think that Nayeon is more than what people think of her. I removed her hand on my cheek and kiss her hand softly causing a cute giggled to erupt in her lips.

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