Chaeyoung - Salvation

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Part two of Muerte En Obra Maestra requested by YOUONLYSAYYOLONCE here it is guys!

Instead of a darkness bestowing upon her, Y/n was met with an slightly ashed surroundings. Her eyes furrowed, she's supposed to be in the depths of hell as what a people like her should be in. She believes in that stuffs so she didn't expect hell would look like this. Her eyes furrowed as her sight roamed around the place. It's not heaven either, but where is she? She wanted to answer her curiosity so tried to roam around but her feet feel stuck because of a long chain that is attached in a ball of pounds and pounds of heavy metal ball, like she's a prisoner. The chills sent through her spine.

"Where am I?" Y/n mumbled to herself.

"Where are you do you ask?" A figure with a tall and muscular physique suddenly appears in front of her, startling her in the process.

"Y/n Y/Ln. The greatest artist as what people perceived her to be, but behind the greatness of your is a hideous deeds that for years you've kept until you finally found someone who broke the curse that is consuming your past alive body. Tell me Y/n. Do you deserve to go up in heaven and be given a chance?" The man asked. Y/n couldn't see his face as it's nothing but a bright light that's covering his whole face. She couldn't read the man, if he's messing with her.

"I'm not the one to ask irrelevant questions Y/n. You can answer me anytime you desire." He added as he feel Y/n's uncertainty.

"Heaven? With what I did? You're still asking me that?" Y/n chuckled sadly.

"I killed a lot of people. I even killed her. Just because my damn mind couldn't stop it's stupid thoughts and you're asking me if I deserve to be in heaven? I have no place there! There's no one like me should enter that place I deserve to rot miserably in hell! Just let me have that unending punishment so that I can repay everything that I've done!" Y/n cried as she slumped down.

"You will indeed receive a punishment Y/n. So come." The man highly spoke upon her and she walked towards with with her feet untangling in the chains automatically.

"Where are we going?" Y/n asked.

"To where your punishment will be." The man answered walking ahead with her and Y/n trailed behind her cluelessly.

"Look into my light and you'll be delivered in the spiral of destiny." The man uttered making Y/n looked at him with her eyes loosing over it's enchanting lighted body. She feels her mind floats with her body also being weightless, she feels her whole existence transport in a snap, and she was now in a very beautiful place. The environment is rich in living organisms, birds, butterflies, flowers and tall grasses decorates the whole place with it's beautiful existence.

"Is this heaven?" Y/n asked.

"If that's what you call it, yes, it is." The man said and walked ahead.

"But why am I here?" Y/n asked so confused.

"You will see once we reach the palace on judgement." The man said, Y/n didn't notice it but she already had wings, the other side with black hue of color and the other is covered with pure as white color. The creatures that surrounded her gave her a look especially the ones who looks like an angels. It's some judging eyes but it's merely they are confused.

"Why are they looking at me." Y/n whispered.

"Maybe because of what you have in your back" The man answered her.

"What's in my-oh goodness!" Y/n gasped looking at her new found part in the body.

"I-I have wings?!" Y/n gasped lowly.

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