Jeongyeon - Arranged Marriage

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Request from our dear reader Nayeongyuu enjoy!!!

What is the worst thing that an heiress could face once your parents are into business? I could list you alot, one of will the pressure of being the perfect kid. Next is the countless boring meetings. Packed schedule and sleepless nights, but for Jeongyeon, the thing she hated the most is the arranged marriage thingy.

This is dilemma right now. Her being sacrificial daughter for their company to soar even higher. She was given notice that she will be arranged marriage when she was fourteen years old. By that time, it didn't matter to her, cause she was just so young and didn't think much of it. Today, right this time is so much different for her. She was already in the same roof with the person she don't and swear she will never love.

What makes her hate this arrangement that much? It's because she has a girlfriend who she loves so much.

She's devastated the day she was forced to break up with her girlfriend. She loves her so much and will still love her. Im Nayeon, the girl she never thought of leaving so soon.

She thinks she's the one for her. Having her was more than a dream come true for Jeongyeon but when she was given no choice but to break up with her. Her world crumbles right in front of her. The tears of the girls right before she broke up with her is imprinted in her mind. She loves her to death and wishing how things could have been different for her is always in her mind. She wants Nayeon and only Nayeon, no one else.

Her sigh was loud enough to catch the attention of her wife or on her term "fake wife".

"Is there something wrong?" The girl politely asked.

"Everything is wrong! Everything Y/n. From being here with you to loosing the only person I love the most. This is all because of you and your stupid family." Jeongyeon roared.

"Please mind your words Jeongyeon. My family isn't as what you think, we are just on the same situation. I was left with no choice too." Y/n sighed as the words she always uttered against her just penetrates down to her core, melting her like a candle. It's always venomous and full of hatred.

"Whatever, it's not like I will learn to like you or get along with you." Jeongyeon said as she stood up and walked away from Y/n. She just sighed and made sure to change appropriately since she has various meeting with the shareholders and multiple works that should be done today.

This is a repetitive setting for Y/n. Jeongyeon would be always pissed and talk so I'll to Y/n and the poor girl will be leaving the house broken and so hurt. Jeongyeon was never careful of her words to her. She's always comparing her ex girlfriend to her. Like how Nayeon was perfect that Y/n wasn't even close to her toes. She was already insecure, and Jeongyeon's word wasn't helping either. The hell she didn't even know how to put words how much she also despise the set up, cause all she ever experienced is pain beside her.

"Good morning ma'am." Her secretary greeted her, the moment she went inside her office she smiled a little off as the day is not as ideal as it seems.

"Shall I give you some coffee Miss?"

"No need, I can't handle much caffeine today, just please bring me some chocolate drink." Y/n smiled softly.

"Gladly ma'am."

She sighed as she saw her ex, turned best friend barging inside her office. It was crazy to consider your own ex your best friend but it was Y/n nothing is impossible when it comes to her, besides they end up in good terms so why the hell not.

"Hello Baby!!!" A voice rang inside the room loudly.

"Gosh Sana, it's too early for the morning. Stop annoying the shit out of me." Y/n groaned.

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