Tzuyu - When We're Alone

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Request of Penguin496_ enjoy!!!

You always like cuddling and hugging.  You're sometimes mistaken as Sana's sibling for being as much as clingy as her. Both of you are also an only child. Most of the time you are seen with your girlfriend Tzuyu clinging hardly on her while the latter in chill on the inside. Just letting you do what you want, either you cling on to her or just straightly hug her. She was so shy, you do know that. So expressing her affection towards you in public will be a little difficult for her.

Well, you don't mind. You totally understand it. As long you two are together nothing else matters.

"Tzuyu, sweetie? Do you want some?" You asked while caressing her hair and handing her a bread. She happily accepted it and ate it. You smiled widely as you find her love for bread, very cute.

"Thanks Y/nn. " She giggled.

"No problem love, just tell me if you need something. Okay?" She nodded as you pat her head.

The members are happily looking at the two of you as you look good together. They are happy they have someone to bring out the best in their maknae and to also take care of her, and that's you, her lover.

You are with the girls today to just hang out with them since it's your free day. All of you are sprawled out in the dance room as all of you have their own world doing different things. But you, you're just mostly attending your girlfriend. Asking if she needs something, being your typical caring self.

"I love you..." You mumbled while kissing the side of her head and she blushed.

"I'm sweaty Y/nn..." She whined since she's embarrassed.

"Aigoo... Our Tzutzu is shy~" Nayeon teased which makes the other members laugh.

"It's alright love, you still look fresh and beautiful even though you are sweaty." You mumbled and kissed her cheeks this time. Not being able to contain her blush she hides her face in your shoulder with a smile.

You chuckled and hug her gently. She's really not good at public skinship so she's often flustered when you initiate one.

"I'll just go to the bathroom, I'll be back okay?" You said to the girls not forgetting to kiss Tzuyu's forehead.


The day was just the usual, you guys hangout, have fun with the girls. Help them around when they need something and eat out together. You became familiar with each other since you barely want to be away with your girlfriend and being almost around with your girlfriend causes you to be also be close to her members. It was a good outcome though, you get to have lots of friends around you.

You were already with your girlfriend heading back to your apartment. She really requested to her member if she can sleep in your apartment today. Of course they let their maknae be, cause they are sure you'll take care of her.

As when you are already inside your apartment, you already feel her long arms wrapping around your torso. You chuckled lowly as your heart flutters the way she snuggles deeply in your body. She was pressing her face with an occasional kisses in your backside.

You giggled loudly as you turned around gently and closed the gap between the two of you, hugging her as warmly as you can. You lift your foot a little to close the door and kissed her hair happily.

"I love it when you do this." You smiled and rest your chin in her head since you're a little taller than the girl.

"Hmm... I know, and I'm sorry if I can't do this often at public. I know you love hugs and affection but I just really get flustered easily when we do it with some people seeing it. I'm not embarrassed about us, I just sometimes prefer to keep this moments between the two of us. I just wanted to let this side of me be seen by you. But I'll try to be more expressive to you in public. I'll try everything for you." She mumbled in your neck and you smile so wide at the words of your lover.

"Love, I already know that. I don't mind it actually, I love you for what you are. And it's not like you're not showing me any affection, you just prefer it when the two of us are alone and it's okay, I understand. You don't have to push yourself into something you're still not that comfortable to do alright? Trust me love, you're the girl I'll only love." You happily said and lay a kiss on her lips, starting your long awaited kiss. You've been craving for that ever since you see how hot and sexy she is when she was dancing and this is the perfect time for it. You held her chin to tilt her pretty face and deepen your kiss. She sighed happily reacting to your kiss. You both pulled away as you need to inhale some air, but she seemed to be craving you as you did to her when seconds had passed then she pulled you back to her lips using your collar. Her chest touch with yours as she pressed her body firmly against you, and you held her hips steadily. You didn't fail her as you kissed back, passionately invading her luscious and sweet lips.

"Love..." She whimpered as you bite her bottom lip while pulling away. Her eyes sparkled in happiness as she look onto yours.

"You know I love you so much right? So don't ever think that you didn't give me lots of affection cause I'm telling you baby, you are the sweetest person I ever met." You smile and peck her lips again.

"Yeah, and I love you too. But let me Y/nn. I love you so much so I want to slowly express myself with you in the public. It's not that I'm pressured or what, I just wanted to, cause you deserve it." She smiled and give you a kiss on the nose.

"Alright, but gradually okay? You don't have to be all out." You giggled with her.

"Anyways, I would like to bake some cookies today, can you help me?" Tzuyu asked with a smile.

"Yeah sure I'd love to. Let's go." You smiled and lead her in your kitchen.

You're all settled as you fix everything you need to bake some cookies. All of the ingredients are in front of you so you let her lead the process.

You're just looking at her with a heart eyes as you just only see a pure angel happily making cookies.

"Please get the molder for me rather than staring love." She giggled as she saw how you did nothing but stare at her.

"Oh yeah right." You giggled and hand her what she needs.

"What pattern would you like to do?" She asked.

"Make a cookie of you and me." You smiled and backhugs her.

"Good idea." She smiled as she continued to do her work, meanwhile you just peppered her neck and shoulders with kisses.

"You did alot, are you going to give some to your unnies?" You asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, I bet Momo unnie will eat this all up." Tzuyu laughed and you did too.

You just enjoy the baking session with her while you're all over her. She didn't mind though she loves it too.


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