Dahyun - Can I be Him?

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Chapter requested by KatsuyaGarou hope you enjoy this chapter

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Y/n still remember how he spend most of his time with his bestfriend. How they both shared their whole childhood together, graduate in highschool but was sad as he received a message from his bestfriend that she won't be attending the same school with him in college since her parents decided to let her enroll in one of the University in States. Y/n was very sad at the news since he'd been with her bestfriend, Dahyun ever since they're young but he can't just be selfish and stop her from getting better opportunities in life. He wants what's best for her dearest friend and all he have to do is support her no matter what. He still remembered how he cried hard when he went to airport and send Dahyun there. He tried his best to keep his tears but failed as he'll surely miss his friend. Dahyun also shed tears just like Y/n and promised to still be in contact with each other and be as inseparable as what they are.

He smiled sadly as he reminisce all the things they've done together and was still waiting for her to comeback home and be crazy together. Y/n throughout the three years have become a handsome bachelor. He was blessed with a lean body, wide shoulder blades and of course an attractive face. He became one of the 'hearthrob' in his University but he didn't even mind the title. Most of the students are wondering why isn't he still courting someone and was so uninterested when it comes to relationship. Alot of girls have tried but was all turned down as he said he is not looking for a relationship at the moment. They leave him be since the man just simply denied all of the advances. He actually is a total package, he is academically excellent and is also very athletic. He even is the Captain of the School's Soccer team.

Everything was fine when Dahyun left, they still talk regularly in phone calls and even video call whenever they have time. It lasted for a year but as when the longer they've been away for each other. The least the girl calls nor answer him. Until one day, the lesser calls become none. He didn't know what the reason of it but just thought that maybe Dahyun was very busy. Not to mention the time zone between his country and where Dahyun is, is different. He just understand the  girl and whatever made her stop contacting him may have a valid reason and his willing to listen to it when Dahyun ever explains. But he can't help but be sad though.

It was his last year in college and was already encountering alot of murmurs here and there. It's as very unusual since today is much more like a hot topic.

"Hey Y/n! Have you heard the news?" Y/n's friends pops out while looping arm at Y/n's shoulders as they're walking towards their locker.

"What news?"

"Oh, the murmurs that we're hearing is all about the new transferee. I don't know why it a nick ruckus but it's probably because she's from the States." Y/n shrugged his shoulder at the information.

"Oh okay." He simply said.

"She's gonna be on our department by the way." His friend added.

"She didn't even arrived yet but she was the talk of the whole school. That's kinda crazy." Y/n chuckled.

"Tell me about it bro." His friend laughed too.

The two already went inside their room and wait for the teacher to arrive.

All of their attention went towards the door and there comes in their teacher with the new student. Y/n furrowed his eyebrows as he couldn't see clearly her face. She seems familiar, that is what Y/n thought. All of his air in the body almost left as he saw the girl who's standing in the front of the class. It's her! It's Dahyun! She's back!!! Y/n has a mouth hanged open and he rubbed his eyes to make sure if he's not fooling by his own eyes. He felt a little emotional as he saw the pale girl introducing herself. Nothing's changed, she's still the outgoing Kim Dahyun. She still has this beautiful smile, she still has this place white and flawless skin and she's still as beautiful as she was. Y/n looked at her longingly and smiled widely.

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