Jeongyeon - Life with You

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Request from KatsuyaGarou enjoy :)))

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Y/n groaned a little as his alarm clock rang loudly in his room. He was groaning loudly and immediately furrowed his brows when he didn't felt his wife's presence beside him in the bed. She usually is just around the morning since she always wanted to wake up with him everyday so her just find it strange that his wife wasn't even there.

He them just decided to ring her up and after some minutes, his call was answered by his wife who is somehow doing something whilst he's calling her.

"Good morning love. So you finally decided to wake up?" Jeongyeon giggled as she held the phone between her ears and shoulders stabling the phone without her hand's grip.

"Yeah, as you can hear. But did leave me here? C'moonn I thought were gonna go in the bakeshop together...." Y/n whined while plopping his body jutting his lips as he heard the teasing laugh of her beautiful wife.

"Oh, I've bee waking you up for past ten times saying you need 5 more minutes as what you've been whining in your sleep. So I didn't bother to wake you up since I guess my hubby is too tired." Jeongyeon said and Y/n couldn't help but smile and flutters at the sweetness of hi wife. For everyday, his wife never fails to let Y/n see how she care so much for him.

"Awe, my bad Love, I'll make it up to you when I go there. I'll be serving today since remembered one of our staffs are on leave." Y/n smiled and he heard Jeongyeon hummed against the line.

"Alright love, but you need to hurry here. I need your baking skills and strong arms to kneed this doughs. Hurry sleepyhead." Jeongyeon giggled.

"I'll be there in ten minutes, see you later love." Y/n smiled and hang up the call, immediately sat up preparing for the day to help his wife.

Jeongyeon and Y/n had been married for two years now and it's been going great between the two of them. The marriage was perfect. Y/n couldn't wish for a anymore as Jeongyeon has it all, he's more than happy having that woman in his life. Now, for a living the two decided to have a bakeshop which sells their freshly baked pastries that the couple special made. This is Jeongyeon's wish, that if ever the two settled in life, she wants to have her own bakeshop and manage it with her loving husband. Y/n agreed to it, he knows how his wife badly want this type of business besides, it's a win win situation. He gets to give Jeongyeon her dream ship and of course accumulate money for a living.

When they started this shop, it was a big hit. Most of the people love their products and even served for bulk orders and big events. Jeongyeon's father is a big help. He's the one who guided the couple in their business and there they are now. Happily having the business with two other branches in different province.

He smiled widely as he saw the bakeshop that was still not stated as open but he can clearly see busy people on the inside. He parked his car on the side and went inside with a big dopey smile.

His heart beats louder as he saw the woman he will fall over and over again, measuring ingredients and putting it in a bowl. He sneakily went inside without making too much noise. Then, he wrap his arm around the woman's hips and snuggle his face in the crook of her neck.

"Hello." The woman smiled and face the man with a gentle kiss.

"Morning love, so what do we got here?" Y/n smiled and looked at Jeongyeon's back with the ingredients all mixed up.

"Well, I'm now in the process of making macarons." She smiled and face the work again. He nodded and kissed her head and proceed to wash his hands clean, wear his hairnet and apron.

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