Dahyun - Yellow Hearts

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3rd Person's POV

Color represents and carry different meaning and feelings behind it, red symbolizes love, anger or even war. Blue symbolizes calmness and coolness and white symbolizes purity.

In the world where Y/n lives she can clearly see through each people hearts and tell what they feel about her or to other people. She first was freaked out in this kind of ability but later on embrace it as mostly it's beneficial to her. Y/n can tell if people don't like her when she see a black light surrounding their heart. Love when she see red around their heart and Yellow when people feel acquainted to her.

Different people was encountered and  Y/n mostly know how to deal with these people.

But even though Y/n have a positive uses in this ability it's still has flaws. A big one to be mentioned. Big enough to sometimes lead her to wish she wants this ability to vanish and let her mind be at peace. What makes her think like that? Well, Y/n has a friend which is also her long time crush. Her name is Chaeyoung. She thinks the girl has a cute vibe and is very kind and perfect. But on top of that Y/n feels how genuine the girl is. This leads her to fall for her day by day but was always reminded about the color around the girl's heart, the yellow one. Yellow stupid heart. She despise seeing it in the girl's chest as it just dug a splinter deep in her heart. Nothing but a friend, that what the girl feels for her. The only time she saw a red around her heart is when she's around her other friend which is Mina. Sometimes, Y/n wished the color of her heart will change when Chaeyoung is with her but the bright yellow colors just stays and glows everytime she checks it. Much more of her expectation are crashed. Guess she and Chaeyoung aren't meant for each other and will just stay to give a yellow hearts to her. At least the girl is still around her, so it's not a lost to her. She still get to see the face she likes but sadly was not for her. She even encourage each other to confess since she knew that her friend's feeling with each other are mutual. Y/n was happy enough to know her crush is happy too. A heartbreak but at the same time a happiness for her. After all before she felt certain things to Chaeyoung she was first her friend.

"Just confess to her if you really like her and don't chicken out, the opportunity is just a glimpse of a sight so grab it as long as it was given to you. You know I can feel that Mina likes you too, so, you can do it Chaeng." Y/n whispered chuckling as she saw how Chaeyoung look at Mina. The red color is so bright in her heart. Y/n just stares at it and smiled as she's already accepted the fact that the yellow hearts for her won't ever change.

"I will Y/nn, thank you for the encouragement. How about you when are you going to find a lover?" Chaeyoung asked at the latter not knowing the feeling of her friend towards her.

"Uhm, I guess I'm not interested in those stuff yet." Y/n half lied.

"Well, I have someone to introduce to you, she's so nice and funny. I think both of you can get along. You can start as friends first okay?" Chaeyoung  smiled widely at her and Y/n just nodded.

"Okay, okay if you say so..." She said sighing a bit.

"She'll be arriving tommorow here in our town so please be nice when I introduce you to her." Chaeyoung playfully said which earns a little glare at the latter.

"Heyyyy I'm always nice." Y/n whined and the two giggled.

"Just kidding let's go now." The shorter girl drag her into Mina.

The next day, Chaeyoung was true to her words and she happily introduced her friend to her other other friend. Y/n is very curious at the girl since Chaeyoung had been endlessly talking about her.

As soon as the two met, Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as she can't see a color in the girl's heart. Strange, she should see it through just a single look but it's the opposite. Y/n can't see any color. Could it be possible that an individual can't have a certain color around her heart.

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