Sana/Dahyun - Just a Little Bit of Your Heart

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Another requested Chapter!!! Wooo!!! from KatsuyaGarou enjoy guys!!!

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Cold, almost lifeless and pale. Y/n was running in the abyss of shadows. Dark and scary, filled with evil laughs. He was running with his hand clutching in his torso tightly, he has a bruise all over his body and a cut on his lips. He's sweating hard as he struggled to run away. But then, he suddenly trips, the poor boy scream in pain as he saw the person who suppose to take care of him, grip his hair tightly and drag him merciless. He was in so much pain and he was screaming for help. But it was useless no one's gonna help him, no one.

His head stings when his father slapped him and her mother was holding a belt to whip it in his body. The boy, at a young age just cry and beg again and again to stop the pain. He was shaking in fear and pain until he was suddenly pulled out in his dreams.

Y/n a thirteen years old boy was abused by his parents. He didn't even know why are they doing it bit every single day he's staying in that hell hole his body and mind is slowly dying, so he did what's best, he ran away, far away from those people who are a threat in his poor life.

"I hate you..." Y/n mumbled as his tears flows in his eyes. He's a little skinny. He was badly bruised there are some scars in his body that was caused by the whipping and over course a big scar in his heart that god knows, will never erased.

He's now in a little convenient store, he was still lucky to have a roof above his head. The owner was a little generous to let the boy help around the store by cleaning or stocking the items, in return, he will sleep in there and can eat foods for everyday. He was still in school, and he barely have anything in him now. He was a very lonely kid and at his very young age, he was opened in the reality of life.


After four years of running away from his evil parents, his mind is still hazy from the traumatic experience, he's always having a nightmares that make him sleep less and think too much. The fear of knowing that they can just be around him and might make his life more miserable. He's always consumed by fear and great sadness. He always think that maybe it's his fault that's why his parents are abusing him. Maybe there's something wrong in him that makes them hate their own child.

With a blurry mind, Y/n went to his school and absent mindedly walking through the halls. He came there to learn and of course be able to prove himself that he can stand on his own. He's actually a bright boy, despite the little hassles in life he still is doing good in school.

Today, during his class, he was just minding his own world. A series of thoughts are running endlessly in his mind. He was questioning every single thing that had happened to him. It was all just pain and agony in life. What even is he doing in this place? Why is he even breathing?

Y/n clutched his head a little and squeeze his eyes shut tight. He was breathing heavily and clenching his jaw. He was bouncing his legs frantically and he gulp his water fastly. As soon as the class had finished he fetch his bag swiftly and head out immediately. He was walking fastly, away from people. Towards the top of the school area. He was panting, and looking straightly at the height of the fall. He was determined that by that day and time, he will end every pain in his life. He dangle his feet and closed his eyes. He didn't notice the door of the rooftop opening abruptly and tried to jump but he was yanked back quickly.

"Baka!" A high pitched voice suddenly said and Y/n stand up immediately.

"I don't know who you are but leave me be." Y/n said with a soulless voice.

"Why are going to do that? Will it make you feel better? Huh?!" The girl was now scolding him.

"It will not, but at least I won't feel anything anymore." The boy said with his tears flowing in his eyes. He was so tired and the only thing he knew that he could do to rest well is to end his life. But the girl in front of him is making it hard for him.

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