Mina - Mischief Liking

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3rd Person's POV

Y/n is currently scanning some food on the pantry of a convenient store, she sneakily snuck some chocolate bars, mints,. cigarettes and most importantly hold tightly the bottles of soju. She tilted her head to see if there are possible openings and slowly went a little closer to the exit. When she thinks the cost is clear, she immediately opened the door and sprinted fastly away from the store with one of her friends. The person in charge in looking out for the store was startled and run after them but it was useless, Y/n and her friend is skilled they've been doing it this past few months and they are not even caught once. They continue on running fastly and turned into a corner to catch their breath. When they already settled down, once their eyes met, they burst out laughing and fist bumped.

"Maaann! That was fun as hell!" Moonbyul the she was with during the shop lifting, spoke with a laugh in between. Y/n grinned widely and looked at the stuff they've taken.

"Woohh! We got alot today!" Y/n whistled then drag the other girl with her.

"C'mon I'm sure Jessi is looking for us!" Y/n said while chewing the freshly opened chocolate bar she had taken.

"Give me some of them man, I'm kinda hungry today." The other said and Y/n tossed her some.

"Hmm.. this is good." Moonbyul said while eating.

"I know, but hurry up Jessi is gonna scold us again."Y/n said and jogged inside the abandoned place where they usually meet.

Y/n, actually has a circle of friends where they kinda just rebel or mess around. It's not a fraternity or a gang. They just choose to do this since they don't want to be enclosed in a strict environment. They want to do what they want to and be free. It's kinda negative sometimes, but this what makes them happy.

"Heeyyyy! You back now babies!" Jessi which somehow acts like their leader greet the two who just entered the area. With her is the couple Hyuna and Dawn. Hwasa, Solar, Wheein, Eric, and Chungha. They became friends for some random consequences. Some just bump into each other. Some are acquainted already and some are of course invited to join the group.

"Hey! You two did shop lift again?" Hyuna who acts like an older sister to Y/n scolded.

"Did you make sure your face are not seen?" Dawn smiled smugly and this cause a loud slap from his arm be given by his girl. The man winced in pain while the girl glared at her.

"You really are hard headed. I know we do some rebel stuff but please, this is more risky okay? You should lay this low." Hyuna said and sternly looked at the two especially to Y/n. Hyuna didn't know but she just feel like she should be like an older figure for this girl. The two nodded and put down all the stuffs they got. It was a huge amount of foods and drinks and all of them was surprised on how this two lady manage to take alot.

"You guys are sneaky as hell! This is alot. Yeahhhhh!" Hwasa said while opening a bottle of soju and drinking it Y/n and her high fives while the others started to do what each of them want to. Some of them ate. But some just talk randomly.

"You seriously need to lay low in this shoplifting shit Y/n. I swear if you get caught I'll beat your ass." Hyuna said while pinching Y/n's side. The younger girl couldn't fight back for some reason. First is she is scary when she's mad and second she respects Hyuna.

"Okay, okay I will unnie just don't pinch me it hurts." Y/n pouted a little.

"Damn, you're such an idiot sometimes, you know what, you should start to act more less laid back from now on. I mean you have a girlfriend. And goddamn she's nice and pretty unlike you." Hyuna lectured and Y/n gasped acting hurt.

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