Chaeyoung - Destined (Part 3 of Muerte en Obra Maestra

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You guys seemed to not let go of this story and asked for another chapter. So I'll give you guys what you want and here it is. This is gonna be the last part of this chapter. Requested by JincodeySmith  enjoy!!!

Leaf falling off the tree, a watchful eyes looks at it as it cascade down the ground slowly.

"Fall is coming and here I am getting bored again. What an uneventful life I have here." Y/n a girl with a bored tone said. She's sitting on one of the bench of school she's attending.

"Watch out!" A voice shouted rang loudly as a ball landed straight right into the girl's face.

It actually hurt her but she choose to just breathe deeply and grit her teeth.

"Sorry." A girl with blonde hair pant while looking at Y/n apologetically.

"Sorry? Well that won't take back my reddened forehead ain't it?" Y/n sarcastically said and tossed the ball back forcefully.

Upon seeing the face of the girl, Y/n was taken a back but choose to ignore the beauty that is in front of her.

"Well, if you aren't dumb enough to not duck when I shouted that a ball is coming your way, you could've had the chance to dodge it." The girl retorted as she didn't like the way Y/n had talked to her.

"Oh! Well if you have the initiative to play in the field and not on near om the benches where students are all lurking around you could've not hit someone with that ball." Y/n rolled her eyes, irritated.

"Tsk, whatever just be cautious with your surrounding and stop daydreaming." The girl said and walked away before Y/n can talk back.

"What an asshole!" Y/n grunted and kick the poor innocent grass.


"What got you frowning like that?" Y/n's friend, Dahyun smiled a little at the girl who's visibly annoyed.

"Well, I just encountered a jerk around the school." Y/n huffed and sat at the canteen chair sipping a cold water to cool down.

"Do you know the name?" Dahyun asked.

"Nope, I haven't seen her face around so she's maybe a stupid transferee." Y/n growled.

"What's with those foul words?" Jihyo asked as the rest of her friends surrounded her.

"Oh! Well there's just this pipsqueak who ruined my day, first moment in the morning and I already encountered an asshole, this is the reason why I hate school." Y/n huffed.

"Calm down it's not good to keep those negative aura throughout the day." Sana smiled at her, which Y/n returned sarcastically.

"Well if you were in my position you can't say those words." She said pouting.

"Awww Y/n is pouting poor babyyyyy..." Nayeon teased as she squished Y/n's cheeks.

"I'm not 2 years old Nayeon I'm a grown up." Y/n groaned and swat her hands away from her burning cheeks.

"Okay, as much as it's fun to see this you guys better stop teasing her, she might explode." Mina laughed while all of them snickered at her.

"Fuck you, all of you." Y/n winced as Jihyo pinched her side.

"Language kid." She warned.

"I'm not a kid!"

"You act like it." A voice said behind them.

"What do you want asshole?" Y/n already knew that voice, who wouldn't forget the voice that annoys her first in the morning.

"I'm not here for you, I'm here for my childhood friend, sup Dahyun." The girl with blonde hair smiled while fist bumping the said girl.

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