Momo - Little Do You Know

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3rd Person's POV

Darkness with unending void of misery and sadness. The world is empty and useless, it's not worth to explore anymore for Y/n. Ever since he became blind, he fall in a pit of pitch black life and was never motivated in life. It was all because of his carelessness, he has a young and carefree life so he live it fully when he was still able to see things. He was involved in a car accident because him and his friends bet on a road race. The glass shattered from the windows of the car, pierce through his eyes and inflicted a great damage which resulted to his blindness. From then on, since he was out of sight, his friends avoided him his girlfriend, well, ex girlfriend left him, everyone who thinks he cared for him, left him. They were all trash for leaving him just when he needed them, he was so angered and devastated as he learned those people never came back. He only have his family. His father and mother who'd been so patient at him. Because of this accident, it turned him into a complete different person. He became cold and loose all his hope in life. He feel so useless and manage to live just because he doesn't want his parents grieve more because of him. He'd been trying to commit suicide those past few years after his accident but he stopped when he heard how his mother plead like a madman on him. He promised himself that he won't ever hurt her mother and he didn't notice because of his impulsive actions, he make an ache to the person who gave birth to him. From then on, her tried to at least try to live as if he's not lacking something for his parents. Believe me, he was trying all his best, but sometimes, well, most of the times. He's becoming moody and wanted to be alone most of the time. He hates being pampered as if he's incapable of doing work such as walking by himself. He hates the thought of relying on somebody just to walk around nor move around. It makes him sick, it makes him so very dependent. That's why whenever his mother hire some personal assistant to go wherever Y/n desired to, the man does everything to make sure that the person won't last a day with him. And as far as he knows, it's been working. Today he just made a poor man ran away with fear as he threatened him in a not so nice way. It was rude, he knows but he doesn't need any help. He can live on his own even if he's blind. His instinct, and other senses became quite more active so he usually rely on it. For him, there's no point in hiring some useless people.

"Son, please, stop making every people I hire leave. It's- I just want to make sure you're alright whenever you're alone. Your Dad and I are in the company most of the time so we just want the assurance of your safety. Please, Y/n stop being so rude to them." His mother said. The man just huffed and stared at nothingness. He can't say no to his mom, but he doesn't want to either listen to her.

"Tommorow Y/n, I'll hire another one. Please my dear DO NOT SCARE THEM AWAY." the woman huffed in distress. Y/n just hummed acting as if he was agreeing to it.

"Okay have a good night okay?" His mother kissed his forehead and he also looked for her mother's hand and kiss the back of it. The woman's heart flutter at her child's gesture and she teared a little bit. She couldn't understand why does it needs to be her son who will experience this misfortune.

"Goodnight Mom. I love you." Y/n softly said and smiled while he looked for his blanket and pulled it up until his chest.

"I love you too my son." The woman smiled and went outside his room.


It was a very delightful morning for Y/n's mother as she immediately saw another personal assistant for Y/n. She was very thankful she and one in an instant or she'll be anxious to leave her son this day. The said woman went to rang their doorbell and she excitedly opened the door. She was met with a smiling stunning lady and she smiled back at the girl.

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