Twice - Nine or None?

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Hola! Another requested chapter by Fanfictionsislife enjoy 2ll
This is gonna be a little bit longer than usual 😂

Y/n's POV

With my head hanged low, I walk across my most dreaded place where supposedly I'll feel safe but not. I hate school, not because I don't like studying or I hate the teachers, what I hate is--

"Ugh fucking hell!" The girl groaned as she was pushed down a little harshly.

"This is what I hate about this school." I sighed as I dusted my hand and pants as I stand up only to see a couple of Japanese girls looking at me with a smirk.

"What? You wanna fight?" Momo one of the girls smirked.

"No." I sighed as she sadly walked away but they didn't give me a chance as Sana, the other girl, grip my wrist.

"We're not yet done talking." Sana exasperatedly sigh.

"Please just let me go." I sighed even more as I saw the remaining bullies I have. Some people may think having two to three bullies is unfortunate, but having NINE freaking bullies will make me give up on going to school, think alot of times, I was just too focused to school on letting the girl's dirty deeds get into my head.

"Too early in the morning and here I am looking at this ugly creature." Nayeon rolled as she is pertaining to me.

"What did you do this time to piss my Japanese buddies?" Jeongyeon huffed looking sharply at me.

"Nothing." I just lowly said.

"She got the nerve to talk back how quaint." Dahyun snarled.

"I need to go now please I still have some class." I pleaded at the nine scrutinizing pair of eyes burning against me.

"No, stop being so dramatic and do as what we told you to, stay here and give me your money." Tzuyu sighed.

"But-but I won't have any-"

"Do you think we care? You can pick between starving to death or being beaten up." Mina annoyingly said.

"Now, hand it over so you can go to you room nerdy freak." Chaeyoung said rolling her eyes.

"I don't have anything left with me, I- this is for my whole week allowance please, just take something I-I don't-"

"We don't care!!! Do as what they told you!" Jihyo angrily said as she held my collar tightly with her furious breath hitting my face it's too close to the point that I am holding my breath.

"Money. Now idiot!" Tzuyu said handing her palm.

"But I-" I wasn't able to finish what I wanted to say when my uniform was yanked back making me stumble and cough from the little strangle.

"You really wanted to be beaten up? Give it!" Jeongyeon snarled and shake me violently.

"Okay. Okay..." My voice shook in fear as I can see how furious she is looking directly at me, I didn't notice my tears already flowing not until one of them mention it.

"Stop crying like a dipshit." Mina huffed.

"Here." I shakily handed my wallet to Tzuyu and she snatched it looking at it disgustingly.

"This is all you have? For a week? This is my allowance for a day, such a loser." Tzuyu sighed and tossed back my wallet harshly landing in my face.

"Go away ugly creature." Nayeon rolled her eyes as I scram away like a scared puppy.

"I hate all of you." I grumbled under my breath.

The nine ladies, looked at the retreating figure of the very scared girl.

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