Nayeon - Cupid

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Alright!!! We have another Request this time from Penguin496_ please enjoy!!!

Female Reader

Huffing and pouting Nayeon looked at her crush from afar playing and goofing around with her friends. She never had the courage to directly tell that person she likes her, but she's sure she gives off the message through her actions.

"Staring too much." Jihyo chuckled at Nayeon.

"Of course I will, can't you see how perfect she is Jihyo? She have this dreamy look and a mesmerizing eyes. She knows sports and even funny." Nayeon smiled and looked so in love. Jihyo scrunched her nose at it and shook her head.

"Eh? She's not funny at all." Jihyo just laughed how Nayeon fastly defended her crush.

"Jeongyeon is funny, you don't just have the brain to absorb her jokes." Nayeon sassily said which makes Jihyo gasp.

"Yah! I'm your friend here, you're really siding her. Wow you're too in love it's cringey "  Jihyo scrunched her face again and rolled her eyes playfully at the girl.

"Hate to knock it off to you but Jeongyeon definitely don't like you." With this statement Nayeon snaps her head towards Jihyo's direction.

"So what if she's not?! She'll eventually learn to like me. I mean that could happen." Nayeon said confidently.

"And I'm your friend, you should give me encouragement not that one." Nayeon pouted.

"Oh, trust me Nayeon, I'm encouraging you..... to stop being too engrossed at her. It may hurt you, you know. " Jihyo sighed as she'd been telling this to her friend alot of times.

"Gosh, just let me be... I won't be hurt calm down. I can feel it, I think she likes me too." Nayeon giggled again.

"Alright, if that's what's rocking your boat." The latter grinned at Jihyo's response.

Nayeon, had been liking Jeongyeon for almost a year. She was secretly admiring her and as what she have said, she's in love with Jeongyeon. Quite a little lovesick but she didn't mind it.

As Jihyo and her went home, Nayeon immediately went to her window to look at the arrival of her crush. She does know by this time that shell be going home anytime soon. She always make sure to greet Jeongyeon everytime she's arriving and leaving her home. She appreciates and cherish every single conversation she can carry with her. It'll already start and end her day happily.

She squealed a little when she saw the girl's car pulled up I'm her own garage. She consider herself lucky in that situation since she can always see the person she likes. They're just neighbors so it's a lucky life for her.

When the latter went out of her car, Nayeon didn't waste time and opened her window to greet her with a smile.

"Hi Jeongyeonie!!!" Nayeon smiled and waved happily.

"Hello to you Nayeon! How's your day?" Jeongyeon smiled back.

"Well, it's great. Now that I've talked to you." Nayeon said, but she mumbled the last sentence.

"How about you? How's your day?" Nayeon started a conversation.

"It's also great, I had fun with my friends going out." Jeongyeon grin.

"Anyways, I'll head inside now yeah? I think I can hear my mom shouting my name." Jeongyeon laughed as well as Nayeon.

"Alright, talk to you again Jeong!" Nayeon smiled and Jeongyeon walked back while waving at her.

"Ah!!! I'm in love!!!! So in love!!!!" Nayeon squealed as soon as she closed her window.

She suddenly sighed and closed her eyes and wished for something peculiar.

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