Sana - Raindrops

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Chapter requested again from Penguin496_ read well!

The day you were about to spend with your girlfriend is supposed to be outdoors, in the park, having a long ride in bikes and laying in the mat comfortably laying together in the park. But it was far from that, you're both stuck in your apartment while looking out in the window, imagining the things you both could've done if this rain didn't occur all of a sudden, ruining your plans with your lover.

"I thought the weather forecast say it's gonna be sunny today!!! Such a scam! Does this look like a nice and sunny weather?! Next time I won't believe in that forecast anymore, they just fooled us!!" Sana, your long time girlfriend whined while dramatically groaning and laying her body on you.

Both of you are just looking out in the window, mindlessly drifted out of your thoughts with you hugging your girlfriend from behind, she's in between your legs and was constantly pouting and whining at what happened.

And you, you're just giggling at her adorableness, she looks adorable when pouting. Well, it did piss you off when it started raining, but it didn't matter now. Sana is still on your side and you still get to spend time together so it's still a good thing for you. But you guess not for your girlfriend who's endlessly ranting.

"I've planned this ahead and this stupid rain just ruined it..." She groaned and hug your arm whining like a baby. You just smiled fondly at her and lay a kiss on her exposed neck. She hummed at the feeling so you trailed down the kisses and let her mind drift away from the pissing event. Her giggles was soon heard as you peck her nose repeatedly.

"You don't have to be so sulky about the weather love, we can still enjoy even if it's raining outside." You smiled and she nodded with a little frown.

"I know, i was just excited about this and it was just cancelled just because of the rain, but you're right we can still enjoy our time together without going out." Sana smiled optimistically.

This is one of the main reason she stands out, out of everyone, in your eyes. She knows how to brighten up a mood easily. She's a mood setter and her happy and fun vibe always inflict easily to anyone she's around. She's like a ball of energy that once you touch or face will also transfer some energy to you. Her simple hug, smile and words are enough to brighten up the people surrounding her. You just think it's Sana's hidden power. Her members even acknowledge this ability of the said girl. You smile so widely and tightly wrap your arms around her, to satiate the cold air rushing in both of your skin. The rain seemed to not be stopping soon, so you both give up in the thought of going out for a date.

She was just humming a random song while you're staying both of your body side by side. It was just a simple hug, but it means alot to both of you. Having your arms wrap around her is just a great feeling for you and of course, to her.

She then suddenly excitedly lift herself up out of nowhere that makes you a little startled. You stared at her questioningly and she giggled and twirled a little and jump. You chuckled at her silliness and also stand up.

"You got something in your mind? Cause you tend to get excited when you think of something fun to do." You asked as you saw how her eyes glimmer in happiness.

"Yes I do have. I know this is gonna be fun." Sana said and hurriedly ran to the backside of your apartment without waiting for you. You laughed at her excitement and just followed her.

You saw her about to open the door in the backyard and you just let her and see what she had something in her mind. You knotted your eyes as she went outside without an umbrella. You squinted your eyes at her as she danced goofily under the rain. You groaned and lean on the door. Of course, she'll think of something like this, when it comes to Sana bizarre things is fun.

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