Nayeon - Two Different Worlds

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Request from KatsuyaGarou thank you!!!

Nayeon Imagines is currently the prominent one since she's mostly the requested member. Actually, the next one will be also hers, lol. Enjoy guys!!!

Male Reader

Quite mysterious, a little reserved and wasn't even a fan of dress to impress. Y/n was a very typical and normal type of you student who just exist in school. Not popular but is still judge by some students who thinks he's some creep because whenever he has the chance he's always putting his hood on. Always wears plain shirt and was totally plain looking. Some students consider him as a nerd or even sometimes a weirdo. He didn't mind, all he wanted to do is to finish school and achieve something in life.

But what made him even be hated by other students is his great pull towards the popular group in school. Can you believe that despite his quiet self, he manage to make friends not to mention his friends are the popular ones. Some of them are group on the school called Twice. There are nine gorgeous ladies consisting it.

He didn't even expect he'll be friends with them. He was just shook that one day, the Im Nayeon just pops out in his front of his desk and asked him to join their group in lunch and the rest is history. The friendship between him and the nine girls bloomed unexpectedly. Even himself didn't even know what happened, but he's still thankful, cause despite the great difference between him and the girls, they still genuinely made friends with him. He was thankful he still have someone to be called as his friends. He didn't even notice that they are different when it comes to social status. All of them are rich and he's just a normal kid. He grew up in a broken family, his father left them for another woman. Because of this, he learned to be more ambitious in life. To crave for betterment and to make sure in the future to give his mother a better life which his father failed to do so.

At the young age, he learned how to earn money for a living. He manage to balance his study, work and responsibilities in the house. Most of his neighbor is proud on how the young man manage to be strong in life. He worked even a part time job to sustain the living, study some lessons and take care of his mother since he wanted to be the man in the house and don't let her aging mother do everything in the house

It's a tough life for him, but he never complained. The desire of living a better life is always in the boy's heart.

That's why he always dresses plainly, he never wanted to buy some things that aren't that much needed. He is contented for what he have and will just be spoiling himself if he knew that he is stable enough in life to afford such things.

The happenings in his life taught him alot in life. He knows how to do every household chores since he never let his mother do something that will make her tired. He is very experienced in life at a young age. His mother always remind him to take care of himself since he's sometimes over working. But he won't back down in life. It may be draining him physically and mentally. But the drive in his heart always keeps him going. For a young man, he sure is very matured in life.

He was just walking quietly inside the school when he was pounced on the back by a body. He knew that perfume well and he smiled a little and pat her back. The girl jumped off his back and smiled widely.

"How's your morning so far Y/nn?" Nayeon asked with her beautiful smile displaying. She has and adorable bunny teeth that makes her smile cuter than it is. Y/n adjusted his hoodie and smiled a little at the girl.

"Good." Y/n replied shortly. He was still a little tired since he didn't sleep enough.

"Eh? That's it? You're out of words today?" Nayeon pouted and crossed her arms. Y/n scratch his nape and chuckled.

TWICE IMAGINESOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora