Jeongyeon - The Only Exception

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3rd Person's POV

Female Reader

Jeongyeon swear in her whole life she'll never let her self be in love again after she experience her greatest heartbreak in which her partner just choose to cheat on her and drain all of her efforts. She was heartbroken and was so discouraged to love someone again. It scarred her deeply in the heart and she just let it heal. She was never the one to mop on the feelings but she can't just let the past make her weak again. So she build barrier in her heart and never let anyone enter again.

But this is a love story, it's going to have a one person that'll change her perspective and this is where Y/n enter the scene. Y/n is just as scared as Jeongyeon, as she also experienced alot of heartbreaks. She thinks she's too naive for the world that's why she was always taken advantage and is always cheated on. That's why instead of looking for a lover, she just looked for a friend. Then she randomly saw Jeongyeon on the park, exactly when she had the first heart broken. She saw how the girl cried silently while mumbling about never falling in love again. Being a kind girl she is, Y/n approached the broken girl. But was she gets in return is a harsh words and some glaring. She wants her to leave her all alone. Y/n was scared at the girl's outbursts so she immediately apologized and leave hurriedly.

The next day, the two saw each other again and this time, it's because Y/n is running around the area and bump into the girl. As she saw that she bumped into the same girl she tried to approach last time, she scurried away in an instant and apologized. She's kinda afraid that the girl will scold her again.

The third time they unintentionally met each other is in the cafe. Y/n was hurriedly getting her order and she didn't notice that the cup that she gets and already gave a sip belongs to the same girl she met the past two days. She started to sweat and nervously smiled at the girl. Since their order is just the same, Jeongyeon just let it go and just gave the girl the cup with her name on it. While she have the coffee with the other girl's name on it. And by the third time, Y/n hurriedly ran away after they settle things as she's really scared. First impression last, so she really thinks the girl is scary. But she thinks she's beautiful and hot. Y/n shakes her head at the thought.

Both didn't know why, but every single time they went to the park, the two just crossed each other's path everytime they went in the place. That's when Y/n started to befriend the girl, well she already know the name since they switched cups and the name's Jeongyeon. A pretty name she may add.

So Y/n is really a happy girl and friendly. She was so intrigued at the story of the girl, you know every people has a story and she's just so curious to know as to why the first time they met, she see the girl in that situation. She just want to know what happened to her that make her snap at her.

Basically Y/n became a little nosy about Jeongyeon and started to get clothes to her even though the girl just simply answer her questions with a yes or no. Or sometimes a very short answer. But Y/n is so insistent so she just continue on hanging around the girl even though the other seems to not mind her so she just happily go where she go and mostly talk alot around her. The other just shrugged her shoulders at the girl everytime she bothers her as she now sooner or later she'll get tired and leave her alone. But just in a freaking unbelievable way. The girl manage to talk to her even more as the months pass by. That's is where she opened up and she didn't know that the time when she opened up to the girl is the time where she unconsciously opened her heart too.

And that's what it leaves them on what they are today. A very happy couple with a strong relationship. She knows she is happy since she always find herself stupidly smiling alone with just the thought of the nosy girl. She was very happy that the girl was persistent and she was happy they bumped into each other alot of times. Cause if that never happened, she might still be bitter about her past. The things and pain she felt before was easily replaced by the pure happiness that the girl had been giving her.

All she knows is that when a person comes out of your life, a greater one will come in. She's happy that Y/n is the new person that entered her life. A gray world where she was in before was painted with colors. She is indeed in a complete happiness.

"Jeongyeonie!!!! Hello!!" Y/n whined while she found how Jeongyeon smiled weirdly by herself.

"Hmm... Yes baby?" Jeongyeon smiled and holds Y/n's hips while kissing her cheeks.

"I was talking to you but you keep on smiling all to yourself. Are you perhaps getting crazy?" Y/n giggled while Jeongyeon laughed at her too.

"Yes I am getting crazy. For you." Jeongyeon cheesily said that made Y/n's face scrunch as she suppress her chuckle.

"That was corny but I love it." She tip toed at the taller girl and peck Jeongyeon's lips. This draw a wide smile at the taller girl's lips and she peck her nose as a reply.

"I know you love my cheesiness. That's why you're always around me before even though I mostly ignore you." Jeongyeon giggled and Y/n didn't even protest as she nodded while giggling.

"Anyways, what are you thinking that makes you smile like that." Y/n asked while still dangling her arms at Jeongyeon's nape. The taller girl smiled widely and rub her sides.

"Well, I was just stupidly smiling because of you. You make me happy everyday. And I, myself, don't know how you always manage to sweep all my thoughts and focus it all in your pretty face. I love you so much and I was so happy I meet you." Jeongyeon finished her sweet speech with a passionate kiss on Y/n's lips.

In their relationship, Jeongyeon mostly leads this intimate stuffs as the other girl is too shy to initiate it. The taller girl nipped Y/n's bottom lip while the other sighed at the gesture. Jeongyeon carefully wander her tongue around the girl's mouth and explore every inch of it and proceed to massage her lips with her. She was very into the make out session as she pulled the girl even more and ran her hand up and down her back. Y/n savor the gentle approach of Jeongyeon and moaned sweetly at the feeling. Jeongyeon slowly detached herself at her lover and swipe her thumb at Y/n's lips as she smiled how Y/n blushed at her burning look.

"I love you so much baby, thank you for coming in my life." Jeongyeon said again and pecked Y/n's forehead.

"Thank you too baby, I love you too, so so much." Y/n grinned widely and pinched Jeongyeon's cheeks lightly.

"You're so pretty baby, and perfect." Jeongyeon showers Y/n with alot compliments. Y/n giggled at the words and smiled proudly.

"Yep, it's me Y/n! I'm pretty and Perfect!" She said and do a peace sign. Jeongyeon was shocked at the bold response of the girl and laughed loudly.

"Baby...." Jeongyeon laughed and spun her around.

"You did learn this at Nayeon unnie am I right?" Jeongyeon said while squinting her eyes at the shorter girl.

"Uhmm yep she does teach me some IT girl moves." Y/n giggled and Jeongyeon laughed with her while pinching her cheeks.

"Ouchieee... Baby" Y/n groaned.

"You should hangout lesser with that grandma. You're slowly becoming like her." Jeongyeon joked and the two shared a sweet laugh.



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