Momo - Stockholm Syndrome

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A very prim and proper woman sat across a chair just in the corner of a peaceful park. She was just humming some random songs feeling the deep silence that she barely have considering her life as a noble. Hirai Momo, the second child of the King and Queen of Japan. Is merely interested in all of the luxury and extravagant things she have. She's always with a body guard can't let be alone in a place where she would like to. I mean she knows she's a noble. But she thinks she can protect herself so why bother to have someone tailing behind her for every single minute.

She's grateful of her life that's no lie, but sometimes, she just wished she get to be away from the overwhelming life she have.

And why is she alone just now? Well obviously because, she snuck out of her room when she knew the security are low. She just face palm as she didn't remember to change her clothes which bluntly reveal her status in the society. But for now, none of it matters as she happily took of her shoes and instead of dancing waltz that she usually and repeatedly danced to, she moved her body like a fluid and twist her body to perform a contemporary style of dance, the sound of nature being her music.

Dancing freely, she didn't notice a figure watching her amusingly smiling. The person never knew that a noble like her can be seen in a place where no guards are around her. She smiled as she reckon that she sneaks our in her castle. Well, she's thankful though, it makes her duty be easy for her to execute since the woman is alone.

As the girl finished her dancing, Y/n clapped loudly making the latter flinch and widen her eyes as she knew well where the girl is from. From the bandits, the one who despise the royalties.

She hastily backed off and tried to run but was yanked back easily by the girl. It was no doubt that the latter is used in combats and physical strength is one of her attributes.

"My, my, Princess. I still wanted to talk to you. What's the rush?" The girl asked.

"Who are you!!" Momo shrieked as she was face to faced with a girl. For a bandit like her, she surely is an attractive one, too bad she is a bandit.

"Let me go, I'll give you gold or anything just let me go and don't hurt me." Momo pleaded as she is now slowly shaking from the fear.

For a moment, the girl's eyes softened but it isn't the time to pity the noble. She have task and she is her task so she can't and should never fail it.

"I'm afraid I can't take your offer Princess, so just go with me in a hostile way and we won't have any problem." The girl sighed.

"No! Let me go!" Momo screamed as she kicked the girl's foot and ran away without her shoes. The girl rolled her eyes as she looked at the girl's running figure. She's so familiar with place so either way, she knew which direction she will end up,so she took the shortcut and as she expected. She heard the footsteps of the latter as she is leaning on the tree waiting for her.

"I told you, I can't just let you run " Y/n said as she blocked the girl's way and scooped her, easily carrying her in her shoulders holding her waist tightly, making sure she won't fall and escape.

She sighed as the girl was too stubborn to tame. She was screaming and it seriously irritated the abductor, she was even punching her back in all efforts to escape. So as the girl's chillness vanished she harshly put her down and looked at the girl sternly.

"Stop squirming and punching my back I already did asked you civilly, don't make me do something you will regret." The bandit threatened but as much to her surprise the noble scoff and tried to fight but knowing how skilled the girl is, she easily overpowered the noble.

"Fine,you left me with no other choice." The girl sighed as she covered Momo's nose with a cloth that contains sleeping substance which immediately knocked out the latter in sleep.

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