Sana - Champion

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3rd Person's POV

Loud cheers and claps rang throughout the whole arena as the two man inside the battle cage exchange fist and kicks to dominate each to win the match.

Y/n was struggling a little as the man in front of him is as twice as buff as him. He's sure he already have a bruised cheek and a cut on his brows. He can partially see the man as the blood flows uncontrollably at the open wound. His opponent is now raging in anger as he also inflicted alot of damage in the man. The ego of the man's ego was hurt as he was badly beaten up by the man that a little less muscular than him. So, the man will do everything to destroy Y/n. The buff guy rushed towards Y/n to tackle him, and since Y/n was a little tired now, he didn't immediately dodge the attack. He was head locked by the guy and he was starting to loose his breath. Struggling a little, he tried to twist his body to create an opening and when he see one, he elbowed the man's ribs hardly that make the latter let go of Y/n immediately. Y/n was then loosed in control as his body was flooded with adrenaline and he continuously land a hard punch in the man's face. Left, Right. Straight punch, left and Right Hooks then upper cut. The man was already lying in the mat bit Y/n didn't get enough, he went on top of him to pound his fist fastly. The face of the man pooled in blood and the referee needs to pull Y/n to stop him from possibly killing the guy.

The whole bunch of people shouts in glory as they all celebrated at the victory of Y/n, while some grumbled as they choose the wrong fighter to bet on. His side man pat Y/n's back while grinning widely at the man. Y/n then shake his head and drank the whole bottle of water that was given to him.

"Let's go champ, let's fix your cut." His friend Dawn, pulled him out of the ring.

He scrunched his nose at the stinging pain of needle, piercing in his brows. The man was squeezing the person's waist a little tight.

"Lessen the squeezing Y/Ln. I might not have the chance to patch you up the next time." Sana, one of the person who was assigned to tend a fighter after a battle said. She somehow act as a nurse or something. Y/n huffed at it and loosen the grip but let his hand stay on her hips. She was in between the man's legs as she was focusing on stitching his eyebrows.

He smiled a little as Dawn hand him a glass of rum, he thanked him and down it fully, without a struggle. He passed it back to the latter to ask for more.

"This cut will probably last for two months, so I guess you'll not be on the ring for around that time." Sana said as she cut the thread and spray an antiseptic fluid to avoid the infection. She then blew it lightly and Y/n smiled a little at the close proximity.

"I don't think I'll stop that long, besides, I'm still gonna accept some challenge. I'll just avoid this part to be hit." Y/n shrugged his shoulder.

"Y/n, stubborn I see." Sana laughed a little while cupping his cheeks to examine the bruise.

"Here." She said and stuff the bag of ice to his left cheeks. He winced a little but held it steady as he was also holding the girl's hand. Sana giggled a little as he saw the man mindlessly drinking the rum. She gently remove the her hand and went to the room of the fighters to look for the man's shirt.

"Here champ, wear this shirt. You're practically half naked for almost three hours." Sana giggled and playfully tossed the shirt at Y/n. The man mumbled a thank you as he was putting his shirt on. The girl took this opportunity to slid into the chair next to Y/n and the man scooted his chair closer at Sana's after he was done putting his shirt on and face her.

"What?" She asked chuckling a little.

"Do you want a drink?" Y/n asked and the shakes her head making Y/n frown.

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