Twice - Feel it Too

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Hi! Another chapter with you and the whole members of twice! Aren't you a lucky little piece of shi- kidding 😂 so, this chapter is requested by Fanfictionsislife enjoy guys!

Sound of keys pressed is echoing in the room where most of the lights are dimmed. Y/n works her ass off the whole night and she is still even not minding the fact that she is the only person left in her company. Well she's the boss, the owner, she's supposed to mostly be the less one to have work, and just sign here and there, as what some of the uneducated idiots perceived the bosses should do. But Y/n is far from that, she is a great example of a hard-working boss, who never misses work, meetings and errors. Always on point and meticulous. She even has several awards from the association of business man as one of the most promising CEO in the world, see? She's even known globally. She's mostly looked up by a lot of people. She has a perfect life, a perfect marriage, well more like a waaaaaaaaay more perfect marriage. Why is that so? Well, she's just married to nine beautiful ladies who's adorned by lots of people as they are the members of the girl group called twice. Now why the hell did she able to marry the girls at once? Well first as a matter of them being head over heels at each other which makes them think less of the people might think of their unusual set up. Besides she has lots of money, so she was able to make arrangements and made it possible to be married to all of her lovely wives. Crazy life ain't it?

"Gosh my back is killing me." Y/n sighed as she yawned and stood up her seats. She take a good look at her wrist watch only to find out that it's already 2 am. Her eyes gently rolls as she scratch her cheeks from being too caught up in her work. She did leave a text to all of her lovely wives but she knows they'll be worried at her. With another deep sigh, she fixed her things and made her way back home.

Her eyes are droopy as she's already feeling the tiredness consuming her body and when she arrived at their house she sighed in relief as the lights are off. She didn't want to know that all of her girls had been up all night just to wait for her.

But as just she thought so, she saw a figure sleeping on the couch probably was waiting for her and now is already in slumber.

She frowns a little and made her way to the girl.

"Hey sweetheart, let's go to bed now, I'm sorry I came home way too late." Y/n mumbled as one of her wife really did stay down to wait for her.

"Y/nn?" Jihyo, mumbled while softly yawning.

"Why did you sleep here? You might get body aches if you continue on sleeping here. C'mon up sweetheart, I'll carry you to our room." Y/n mumbled softly.

"I waited for you to come home Y/nn. The others also wanted to, but I know some of them are already sleepy so I volunteered to wait for you." Jihyo sleepily said, making Y/n's heart flutter.

"Awee. Thank you sweetie, but next time you need to sleep in comfortable place okay? I'm sorry if came home late, I just got really caught up in work and I lost the track of time." Y/n smiled charmingly while squatting on Jihyo's level.

She smiled widely as her big doe, beautiful eyes stared at her dark brown ones. Her face inches against hers as she finally closed the not needed gap between them. Their lips dance against each other as Y/n kissed the now fully awaked girl. Jihyo smiled at the kiss and looped her arms around her neck. Y/n chuckled and carry Jihyo with her. Their kiss continue as Y/n made her way through their room and gently laid the girl on the bed, finishing it off with a sweet kiss in her forehead.

"I'll change my clothes first then we'll take a good sleep okay?" Y/n smiled and Jihyo happily nods.

If you're wondering where are the other girls, well, they are in their separate bedrooms, they kinda have this set up wherein each of them will have a single night to be with Y/n. You know, to be fair, but it is mostly not followed, as either Sana, Nayeon and Jeongyeon will insist on switching their places making Y/n sometimes end up with three girls hovering over her.

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