Tzuyu - Living Proof

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Another requested chapter Yeyyy!!!, this is from Chinguchi Hope you'll like this chapter

Female Reader

3rd Person's POV

A body to die for and a perfect face. A very successful career and a well known name. Tzuyu has it all, from looks, body, money and fame. But one thing is lacking at the almost perfect girl. That is her attitude and the way she interacts with other people. She's pretty much a snob, arrogant,mean and cold. She barely interact with the people around her work nor make friends with them. She only see them naturally as a co worker. No intention of building up bond with them. The only thing she need to do in work is to pose for the camera and finish it smoothly. So she always ask, why would she need to interact with them? Cause that's basically not written on her job.

All throughout her career, she has a reputation of being the most feared model of all, in their company. Never make mistake around her and you'll be scolded, or much worse be fired in an instant. She's meticulous in her job and when there is a single flaw you make, it'll be unforgivable. That is the reason why there are numerous secretaries that had applied had been going back home crying or was fired immediately in their first week. And the main reason, that is because of Chou Tzuyu. The mean and coldest person you'll ever met.

That is why when the very smiley and easy going Y/n was hired and last for almost 2 years and still going at the one and only Chou Tzuyu. Almost all of the people in the company commend the hardworking and patient girl. They expect her to run away with tears in her eyes as they see how fragile she look, but it was the opposite. She last long, and for the record, she's the only secretary of her that lasted that long. They can't explain how this happen, but they're happy since it's a less work. They don't have to consecutively look for possible secretary that can work for her. Thanks to Y/n.

Y/n is a very optimistic girl, she loves challenges and very out going. She loves making friends and talks alot. At her first day, she thought it's gonna be easy as what her past job did gave to her. But oh hell no, she has a very mean boss. At the very first day of her, she was already scolded for just placing her coat at the wrong place and some minor mistakes. It's understandable, but damn she has a very sharp mouth to begin with. Y/n endured it. She just cursed the girl in her head and keep the complaints inside her to avoid something more terrible. She's sometimes glaring at the girl secretly and mumbled something whenever she's a little far from her. When you say Y/n hates her, that's gonna be an understatement. She despise the girl, she didn't understand why does she need to be that foul mouthed instead of correcting the employee in a subtle and gentle way. But since it's her boss, gentle talk is not a thing on her, she'd prefer roasting you with the burning words of her.

There's even a time where Y/n didn't stand the words and stand up for herself. This is how it happened:

Y/n was hurriedly walking fastly towards the company to arrive as soon as possible and bring the coffee that the devil herself, requested. She was so exhausted running with a heels and was struggling to run, but still manage to come in no time.

"Good morning ma'am, here's your coffee." Y/n said while panting a little.

"What the actual fuck is this?!" Tzuyu asked raising her voice a little. Most of the employee around hear it and was scared at the voice. The girl was angry and Y/n didn't even know why she's angry.

"Uhm, what did I do wrong Ms. Chou?" Y/n asked in a small voice and the latter frowns deeply.

"This, this fucking coffee is not hot anymore. What did you order dumbass? Aren't you that we'll educated to pick or buy a coffee?! It's a simple thing to do idiot and yet you still fail to do so." Tzuyu shouted.

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