JiTzu - More than That (M)

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Holy freaking cheeseballs!!!! I got another one requested mature Chapter. If some of you guys aren't comfortable reading this, I suggest you skip this part as a reminder, you know I do respect everyone's perspective when it comes to reading stuffs like this so yeahhhhh. Anyway, this is requested by Nayeongyuu enjoy! This is the first and ONLY member x member that I'll make I swear to god I'm too embarrassed to make a point of view out of this. Cause you know I prefer reader x member more y'know what I mean? No? Okay  Lol! so let's start shall we? I talk too damn much geez🤣

3rd Person's POV

Tall, and pretty face that no can ever resist to ogle on. Most people describe the youngest member of the world renown group called twice like that. The greatest visual and heaven like face. Very quiet yet alluring presence.

The said girl was yawning a little as she wake up for a lot of times so early in the morning. Chou Tzuyu was considered as an early bird after all. No matter how late she sleeps she still wakes up early and as a matter of fact will still look absolutely stunning.

Her soft long hair cascades as she walked around the kitchen and prepare some coffee she can drink in the cold morning while silently sit, and drift her mind off into wherever she thinks of.

What she didn't expect is another member of hers already in the table sipping her own made coffee while humming softly. The taller girl's smile suddenly appears as she saw her leader didn't even notice her presence.

"Didn't expect you to be this early unnie." Tzuyu suddenly said which makes the latter yelp and jump in her seat holding her chest at the shock.

"Goodness Tzuyu-yah! You scared me!" Jihyo, the leader of the group lowly exclaimed. Tzuyu flashes her one in a million smile while chuckling, which barely be seen in the girl as she secretly has a soft spot for the woman.

"Sorry unnie." Tzuyu sheepishly said.

"But what made you wake up this early morning? You usually wake up by 8 or 9 in the morning." Tzuyu asked as she finished making her coffee and sat in front of the woman.

"You know what time usually wake up?" Jihyo asked which Tzuyu shrugged to.

"But to answer your question, well, there's no reason at all, I just wake up too early and couldn't get back to sleep so I just decided to get up in bed.

"Hmm. Okay." Tzuyu smiled and the silence engulf the two. It was a comforting one so it wasn't a big deal, dealing with the silence at all.

"Unnie." Tzuyu decided to break the silence by gathering the girl's attention.

"Yes Tzuyu?"

"Have you ever feel a great attraction to someone and you can't seem to stop yourself from getting away from that person?" Tzuyu seriously asked making the latter be flabbergasted.

"You're in love?" Jihyo asked with her eyes widened.

"I'm in love?" Tzuyu asked back.

"Well you just asked me some things that is surely similar to a person being in love. So yeah you are. You are growing up now Tzu." Jihyo smiled widely.

"I'm not. I just asked it to you. You seem to know what being in love feels like so you did fall in love or is currently in love." Tzuyu said smartly, smirking at the older girl making Jihyo be flustered.

"Well, maybe? Maybe not? You know what, let's not talk about this, it's too awkward." Jihyo said covering her face.

"Adorable." Tzuyu mumbled while laughing.

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