Dahyun - Make You Fall for Me

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Another chapter which is now requested by ohwhyyy__ hope you'll like it

Male Reader

3rd Person's POV

Y/n is known in their entertainment as one of the most talented artist JYP had ever have. He can rap, sing and act. He even have alot of hidden talents and mind you, He gathers alot of fangirls and even fanboys. Y/n is a soloist at JYP entertainment and he had been making hits after hits. Much more to say, he's one of the Ace artist of his company.

The only thing that is good about this entertainment is that, even though you're already an artist, you have to still train to maintain your sharpness. Y/n doesn't mind it at all since he always wanted to see his greatest crush. His Dahyun Sunbaenim.

She was assigned alongside Chaeyoung to train their juniors three times a week in their rapping skills. And knowing that the duo is the most experienced and is considered as one of the best rapper in the industry, they surely will help the trainees and of course the current artists.

The man is always excited to see the girl since ever since before he debuted, he finds the girl very charming and pretty. She is so funny and is very talented as well. She is the reason why Y/n strive to debut as an artist. To be able to achieve his dreams and of course be close to the pale girl.

Y/n is kinda cheeky when it comes to the girl. He never hides his liking towards his co-idol and often jokes around her and leave some fluttering comments hoping to get the girls attention. He sometimes even go to extent wherein he meant to place himself at trouble and make the girl worry of even spare her eyes on him. But the girl seemed to be a little tough on him. He even get alot of scolding from his senior and sometimes was even punished by simply going to clean the whole rehearsal room or the toilet. It doesn't matter to him. The word whipped is attached in him and he is definitely whipped, for one of the rapper of twice.

It's the practice day of them and Y/n energetically wake up and open his eyes with all smiles. He happily skips around his house and prepare for the day. He was thinking of cheesy stuff he can say to the girl and make sure to make himself appealing even though they're just practicing.

His manager called him and make sure that his hard headed talent is already ready for the day. Some even thinks Y/n's manager is one of the most problematic person in the company as she was assigned to the most playful and hard headed artist you'll ever met. It's a little tough for the manager but she already get used to the man. He's naturally laid back, he is not that serious and loves to goof around. Which is sometimes a good habit since he often knows how to cheer himself and the other people around whenever they are having a hard time. But really, he's sometimes just too much. JYP even himself looked after this man months before he started, but even the owners himself can't scrap the demeanor of the kid. He is already like that.

But do you know what makes him pass all of his silly antics? It's because he's just simply adorable. For a man, he's incredibly cute and full of soft spot, that even he once ditch a recording session with one of the most strict producer, they just let him pass by it and laugh as he reasoned out that he ate too much cheese tteokbokki and make his stomach upset. So he ended up not attending the recording. It was hilarious as they all let the man have his own way and move the recording day.

While most of the staffs and co artist find Y/n very adorable, Dahyun can't seem to digest the Y/n fever in their company. She didn't find it adorable, she even call it an immaturity. It was just unbelievable to have such an immature grown up man act like that. Her irritation towards the man even added when after their dating ban was lifted, he started to show his intention at the latter, up until now. She just sometimes wish she could skip the practice so she can avoid his sweet like shit lines. She just wants a simple mentorship to end peacefully. But Y/n didn't let it happen since everytime he gets the opportunity he'll throw some cheesy lines that will bring her in an embarrassment. Not to mention, Chaeyoung and her Junior's teasing and howls boomed after the man do his moves. She can't explain but she just find him annoying, or so she thought? Cause after all they say, the more you hate the person. The more the possibility that you love him or her.

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