Jeongyeon - Angel

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3rd Person's POV

Y/n is not having anything of what's happening today and she seriously wanted to just sleep and do not worry about a thing. She's feeling so overwhelmed at the bullshits she'd been through the day and somehow drained her energy to the fullest. She just want to be alone and sulk at her room all by herself.

The girl is currently walking home with her things from work, yes she was fired since she stand up against her boss. She doesn't want to just let the rotten system in her work and her shitty boss take over her. So much to her extent, she burst out and spill truth that most of her now ex co-workers can't do. Damn, it feels good to lash out in your frustrations, but it still resulted to her being jobless. Right now, she's walking since she just drop her wallet in a drainage and Fuck she almost slap herself for being an idiot. She's drained from the argument and then the thought of walking back home seems so bullshit at her. Lastly it's not just the walk that make her minutes be dreadful but also her heels. It was freaking broken, like who the hell curse her to be this unlucky in just a span of few hours?! Her face is already clouded with dark aura that even some people who wants to help her can't even walk closer to her. Afraid that the girl may pour her anger at them. Huffing angrily Y/n removed her pair of heels and dumped it in the box she's carrying.

"What a stupid fucking day." She grumbled angrily. Most of the people that are walking past by her gave her a confused look wondering look that even added up in her frustration. She just answer those looks with a glare which scare some away.

"Mind your own fucking business." She said lowly as she again received the look.

She's so drained for the day and she guess it's just fair to just sleep it all away. She can't just tell this to her girlfriend and give her the bad vibes she might be possessing today. She needs her, but she'd rather take all thoughts all to herself rather than share it to her girlfriend. She knows she should tell it to her right away but what if she's having a good day? Surely, she'll affect hers in a snap and Y/n doesn't want that to happen.

Y/n cursed a little bit loud as the rain suddenly pours hard. She's really really pissed, she'd just given up and just continue walking despite drenching herself in a pouring rain. She just let it fall against her body hoping it will cool her off. But when we think about what had happened to her today, that couldn't be possible. Her day is more than ruined, can't be fixed at all.

She just mindlessly walk back home and immediately dump all the things she's holding as soon as she saw a dumpster in sidewalk. She didn't care about it, after all she lost her work so she basically don't need those stuff.

"What did I even do? Why am I so unfucking lucky today? Is it because I talked back to my boss who deserves it? I hate this day. It sucks." She mumbled talking at herself.

She's by now, soaking wet as she arrived at her apartment and she didn't even bother to take a bath. She just dried her hair and change her clothes. Which she think is a bad idea since she's been feeling the chills as soon as she wake up the morning after she had her worst day.

The poor girl seemed to be bugged by the unfortunate events that even up until now, she have a new problem which is being sick. There's no way she will tell this to her girlfriend. As if the magic was casted, her phone suddenly rang that make her heart beat with a company of throbbing headache. She shakily reach for her phone and cleared her throat to ease the itch in her throat. Not to make her partner discover her current situation.

"Hello Y/nn!!!" Jeongyeon her girlfriend brightly greeted that makes the latter's heart warm.

"Hi baby" She said with a little rasp in her voice.

"Oh, ate you okay? What happen to your voice?" Jeongyeon asked concerned. While Y/n panicked a little at the words.

"Yes, baby I'm okay. I just woke up so my voice is a little raspy." Y/n successfully said but felt her head throb causing her to squeeze her eyes tight.

"So I'm guessing you're preparing for your work today right?" Jeongyeon asked and Y/n frowned and sigh silently.

"Uhmm yeah I am." Y/n said feeling guilty at lying at her girlfriend.

"Hmm, okay! be careful on your way to work okay? Make sure to have breakfast before you leave to work and lock the doors before leaving. I miss you so much and I love you." She said and the sick girl smiled a little before mumbling an ' I love you' back before hanging up the call.

Her vision even started to spin around as she tried to stand up and she gave up trying to move around. She badly needs to lay down and she just sleep in the burning feeling hoping that the fever will go away soon.

While Y/n is asleep, Jeongyeon is excitedly driving to her apartment and prepare a surprise indoor date with her girl. Knowing that she'll probably in her work as what she thought, her surprise will just be perfect to plan on. But she was more surprised when she saw her girlfriend curling up in her bed shivering. She was shaking and her brows are furrowed during her sleep. Her heart clenches at two reasons. One is seeing her girl in that state and the other is knowing that her girlfriend hide this situation from her. Sighing a little, she headed downstairs to cook for some soup to ease the feeling of her girlfriend. After that she carefully carry it upstairs and place it in the table near her bed. Then went again downstairs to gather, towel and basin with water. She also didn't forget the medicine.

She opened the door slowly and lay her her hand gently on the girl's forehead. She winced as she feels that the girl is burning. Less to her liking, she had no choice but to wake the girl up gently. She heard her groaned lightly and shiver but her eyes soon turned into shock as she saw her.

"J-jeonyeon ah...why are you here? You have a I thought you girls are recording today?" Y/n asked clearly surprised but still the sickness is evident in her voice.

"We already finished yesterday and I'm here to surprise you but I guess I was the one who was surprised." Jeongyeon said as she eyed her meaningfully and Y/n just slumped her shoulders and sighed a little.

"But it's okay, I'm here now and I'll take care of you now." Jeongyeon said and Y/n smiled despite her weak state.

"I'm sorry for not telling you." Y/n sighed. Jeongyeon just simply smiled and kissed her forehead tenderly.

"It's okay now, but did you tell your boss that you'll be absent today so that you'll be excused in work?" Jeongyeon softly asked and she didn't miss the way Y/n face turned sour at the mention of her work.

"Is there something wrong Y/n?" She asked rubbing her back a little while Y/n hesitated to answer.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you this too, but I was fired yesterday." Y/n said with a tearful eyes. She didn't filter her feelings now as she cried silently. Jeongyeon was shocked at the news but still immediately hug her comfortingly. Y/n sobbed even more and mumbled sorry. But Jeongyeon on the other hand just shake her head at the apology and rubbed the crying girl's back.

"It's okay, c'mon baby you deserve better than that stupid company. I think it's better if you're not working there anymore. But please my Y/n tell me when there are stuff that's happening to you okay? I don't want you to just deal with it alone. You said I'm your angel, so let me be your angel okay?" She said sweetly and Y/n sniffed and nodded.

"Thank you my angel, I love you so much." Y/n said and Jeongyeon kissed the crown of her head as a reply.

"I got you baby, I'm your angel so don't worry I'll take good care of you." Jeongyeon said.

As what Jeongyeon had said she took good care of Y/n who seemed to be extra clingy. But the latter didn't complain as she loves to see this side of Y/n and loves to pamper her beloved with lots of love.


Guysssssss!!!!!! I think I'm love!

I'm in love in the Twice comeback song!!!!

Did you guys saw how overflowing the visuals are? Alcohol-free is a bop y'all!!! What is your favorite part or line in the song? Keep on streaming ONCE!!!!


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