Jihyo/Tzuyu - Shambles (Part 2)

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After the heart crushing event that had occurred in Y/n's life, he was never seen around the country after. Jihyo, who's madly going crazy at looking for him had a deep resentment in her youngest member and it's visibly seen as she is glaring every single time she remembered how she broke the sweet Y/n.

Many things changed after that, Tzuyu regret all of her actions and promise to herself that if Y/n showed up again, if it's still possible, she'll beg for his forgiveness even it will cost much. Jihyo on the other hand became more sad at the disappearance of the man. There's something that she just lately discovered in her inner self which makes her regret alot of things she did back then, she just wished everything will be better. The confusion that she's feeling lead her to being back in her single life. If she thinks she'll continue to have the relationship with her current boyfriend, she'll go crazy, considering that she's thinking about Y/n and her career. So did what's best and just focused on herself.

"I hope Y/n comes back here or maybe show up even just for a little time." Jihyo sighed as she's thinking deeply at the balcony, memories of her best friend that was fuming in anger and burning in pain is still engraved in her mind. She didn't even know where he is and she just hope he's safe, she's sometimes thinking of the worst but see hold onto the thought of Y/n coming back after what had happened.

And just as after Jihyo had waken up from her sleep, she was startled by the gasp and murmurs of her members who seemed thinks are currently in the living room having a little commotion in the early morning.

"It's too early girls, please... Lessen your loudness." Jihyo sighed as she saw how her members didn't even spare or take a notice of her words. She rolled her eyes subtly and looked at why they are so into the television.

There, she saw the man she'd been looking forward to show up. After two years of him vanishing, he is already back. He is dashing with his suit and she furrowed her brows a little when she saw the outline of tattoos just laying in his neck, which is probably a massive one since it covering half of his neck.

"Y/n..." Jihyo mumbled as she teared up at the sight of him. But what makes her take a second look at him is that the man seemed to be different.

Not just because of his tattoos, but because the aura that the man emits is cold and intimidating. Far from the Y/n who's warm and friendly, full of smiles and kindness.

"He's the CEO of the Y/Ln Corporation? Like the biggest company not just here in Korea but in the whole business world?" Mina mumbled.

"I didn't knew something like that..." Momo whispered too.

"He looks.... Different... It is as if he's not Y/n anymore." Nayeon sadly said.

"Y/n???" They heard a quiet voice as they averted their eyes to the youngest who just went back after her morning jog.

"He's back." Tzuyu smiled widely which makes Jihyo scoff.

"Where do you think I can find him unnies? He's here in Korea right??!" Tzuyu happily asked at her older members.

"You really have the guts to be happy after what you did? Pathetic." Jihyo said with her voice laced in hatred.

"Jihyo, don't start a fight please." The oldest started to intervene the soonest.

"What unnie? Am I wrong? Isn't it her fault that Y/n left? She cheated and broke him badly. Did you see the changes in him? It's because of her!!! It's because she was not contented in Y/n's love. For two years Tzuyu, for two damn years I've stop myself for saying something. But seeing you act as if you did nothing wrong just makes me itch to dig in your brain how much damage you caused! Tzuyu you ruined Y/n's heart and you will not be able to hurt him again cause I won't let you." Jihyo said as she cried while saying the pent up words she'd been keeping.

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