Let's make a horror movie (Scarecrow Kazuichi Soda)

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Danganronpa v2

It was a chilly fall day when you and your friends pulled up to the old farm. The farm has sat abandoned for years to the point no one really knows why it was abandoned in the first place although like any old place there were rumors and legends about it being haunted or that a monster roamed about. Making it the perfect place to film a horror movie. It was a random idea that you and your friend were making into a reality.

As you were scoping out the area something inside the barn caught your eye. Was...something moving in there? Maybe a bird? Worried that some animal had gotten itself stuck you went to check it out.

The doors were a bit hard to move at first but after a good push they moved with ease. The barn was mostly empty except for some hay that was still in the loft. After looking around you decided to look up in the loft even if whatever it was had gotten out on its own you still needed to look around to see what would happen in the movie or if you even needed to use the barn. Once you climbed up the ladder to the loft you saw something in the back corner. With the only lighting coming from the window, you saw that it was a Scarecrow. The clothes it wore were torn and it looked like it lost quite a bit of hay. As you examine closer one of your friends popped their head into the barn.

"Hello?" they called.

"Up here!" looking down from the loft "I found something that we could use."

"Go ahead and bring it down. We're meeting in the house so bring it there."

After everything was settled the group decided they would stay in the house while they filmed. They also decided what it was going to be about. It was about one of the many stories about the old farm. As the tale went a farmer out of aloneness had made a Scarecrow and brought it to life, only after the farmer had found someone the scarecrow killed them out of jealousy, after that the farmer managed to get away from the scarecrow being that when they made it come to life it couldn't leave the land that it was made from.

You started to only half listen given that you were trying to repair the scarecrow, it was going to be used as a prop when one of your friends wasn't dressed up. Once everything was planned out everyone started to find the rooms where they would be staying in to unwind for bed. You sat the scarecrow in a chair in the living room to make sure it didn't get messed up again.

The next few days were filled with filming and even with some setbacks, like the equipment disappearing for hours before showing up tampered with, everything was going according to plan. On the last night at the farm everyone was around a fire that was set in the fireplace.

"So, what are you going to do with that scarecrow? Going to keep it?" one of your friends asked you.

"No, I'm going to leave it here. Probably wouldn't even fit in the car anyways." you looked over to the scarecrow sitting in the corner of the living room. "I will miss him though."

"Him? There can't be any lady scarecrows?"

"Does it matter?"

Once the fire started to burn out everyone went to bed. During the night you had woken up, going to one of the coolers there was something written on one of the walls.

Let's make a horror movie

"The hell? That was here before..." looking around all the equipment was gone.

Wondering what the hell was going on you went to see if one of your friends had put everything way before bed. Finding one of the sleeping bags you try everything you could to wake your friend only to find that when a part of the bag was pulled there their chest was ripped open. Horrid you called out to the rest of your find but was only met with a scream from outside.

Running over to the window, outside was one of your friends running away from.... A scarecrow with a camera strapped to its chest? It managed to grab them from the back of their clothes pulling them to the ground before buried an ax deep into their stomach. It didn't stop until their middle was nothing but mush. That's when it looked up to you with a wide sharp tooth smile.

You tried all night to get away from it but everything you did just failed. You couldn't hurt it; the car was gone and so were all of your friends. There were cameras everywhere you went. At some point you started to think that it could see with them.

Not like it matters much now. As the morning sun rose you hid in the hayloft trying to stay quiet as that thing called out to you from down below.

"This is what you wanted wasn't it? To make a horror movie?"

"isn't there a 'final girl' in every horror movie?"

"They always get their happy ending and that's what I want to give you!"

"We can both be happy! There's no one to get in the way now!"

It sounded like it was coming up the ladder now. You're not too sure what's going to happen when it finds you but if it truly means what it says that it shouldn't be so bad.... right? 

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