Yasuhiro Hagakure & Daiya Owada & Mondo Owada & Kiyotaka Ishimaru

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Danganronpa v1

Future rules are unbreakable

If their darling hated to be alone then they wouldn't be with those four.

Oddly enough this group is very good about sharing their darling. (Meaning there won't be many fights about whose turn it is or anything like that.)

If they are not all together then they are usually in pairs although the pairs are different every time.

All four can be very affectionate with their darling given they show it at different levels and ways but they make sure their darling always feels loved.

Now just because they come off as sweet and softly that doesn't mean their darling should let their guard down around any of them.

Another thing their darling should keep in mind is that all four can easily get away with something.

All four are very greedy when it comes to their darling. Given its more towards others then each other. (Meaning that they want their darling all to themselves 100% of the time.)

Now even though their darling can't turn them against each other they can use things against each other individually.

Now this group does lean towards the more dangerous side of things but can also lean towards the sweeter side of things. It just all depends. But what is known is that their darling is going to want to stay on their toes with them because truly anything could happen with this group. 

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