Danganronpa v3 girls with a crush that seemingly disappeared

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Only to show up on the news fighting in a war zone

Kaede Akamatsu:

There's a chance she somewhat knows where they are but won't believe it until she sees it. She will be a wreck the whole time they are gone and when they finally do return, she is going to make sure that they are never taken away ever again.

Angie Yonaga:

She was wandering around when she saw the tv. She knew that would have a safe return because Atua had told her they would. She still prayed all the way until they returned.

Himiko Yumeno:

She had been looking everywhere for her darling yet couldn't find them anywhere. When she sees them on TV, she is happy for only a moment before realizing where they were. She says her magic will protect them so they can make it safely back home. (She really just uses this to keep herself together so she doesn't fall apart.)

Kirumi Tojo:

Technically she could help them a lot more than the others could and she does. She was already working on a way to get them home before either foot even touched the ground.

Maki Harukawa:

She most likely alright knows where they are and is already on her way to get them back. She is getting her darling back no matter who she has to go through in order to make that happen.

Miu Iruma:

She found out where they were from a tracker, she has on them. She will get them back; she just needs to figure it out. she will most likely make something that can get them back for her. (it's going to crush everything in its path.)

Tenko Chabashira:

She was frantically looking everywhere for them when she saw them on the tv. She panics, seeing where they were and is determined to get them back. She just doesn't know how so she ends up waiting for them to return. (They never leave her side after.)

Tsumugi Shirogane:

When she sees her darling, she knows there is nothing she can do. She hopes that they will make it back safely. All she can really do is wait for them to come back home. 

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