Gundham Tanaka

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Danganronpa 2


Although it is not actually love at first sight it's close to it for, he does fall quickly for his darling but it still does take some time. He does tend to stay close to his darling but at the beginning is still keeping his distance. (For example, following them room to room while making it look like a coincidence.)

Stalking/After Meeting:

The distance he keeps will start to close over time and he will follow them more than just room to room. He will follow them home to work anywhere they go he will be somewhere in the background.


Truth be told there are two ways, the easy way and the hard way and although he doesn't like using the hard way that doesn't mean he won't. At some point he doesn't. It would be betterer for his darling if they were to come live with him for their safety. He only wants the best for his darling and who knows that better than him?


He may be stern with his darling at times but he can't bear the thought of them being in any sort of pain let alone by his hands.


The relationship as a whole is sweet and caring with little to no problems or that's how it is in the beginning. As time goes on gundham starts to become more...suffocating. He wants to spend less and less time away from his darling as well as being very protective to the point of babying.

Random headcanons:

He truly is a worshiper yandere for his darling.

He does spoil his darling as much as he can.

It only takes one bad day for him to take his darling. (It really doesn't even have to be that bad of a day.)

He would enjoy a darling that also loved animals but if they fear a certain one, he will help them with their fear.

He has left some of his animals in charge of watching over his darling while he is away.

In the best of times, he isn't the worst yandere to have.

In fact, his darling could keep things under control if they push the right buttons.



He is known to be a fair and great ruler with all of his subjects adoring him. So, when it's heard that he is taking a partner everyone was more than willing to lend a hand. (Not that anyone would think that he would be returned down.) whether another royal or a peasant does not matter for the warmth they bring to his heart is enough for him and with a kingdom like his there is no way they won't agree to be his.

Childhood friends:

Gundham was a child who always kept to himself until another child invited themselves into his life. Ever since that day he stuck by them no matter what believing that they were soulmates until the very end.


He doesn't even know when it started but all he knew was that the one person who annoyed him the most was also the one he never wanted to look at anyone else. Sure, he couldn't stand them sometimes but he also couldn't let them go either.


Gundham's group is one of the strongest in Japan and although they didn't do anything too dangerous yet, they shouldn't be messed with. Now his darling could have been the one so daring as to do so or they simply could have been at the wrong place at the wrong time either way he now has his eyes on them and he's not going to let them slip from his hands so easily.


Immortality is not always a good thing especially when you spend it mostly all alone. Gundham knows this all to will so when another god/goddess/Deity or a mortal comes to meet him he decides that he now has someone to spend endless time with.


He may have some sadistic tendencies but he always made up for it for how sweet he was towards his darling. They only have the prettiest chains and clothes all with his colors. Even putting his name on them just to make sure every monster and human knows who they belong to.


He is known as the most powerful warlock; this title brings fear into all that hear it making everyone avoid him at all cost. That was until a single soul stumbled upon his home. Watching as they wandered around, he knew that they couldn't leave this place.


He just wants his darling to love him, to stay with him until they both turn old and gray. A partner, a soulmate and that's what his darling is to him sure maybe it didn't start out a normal way but if the ending is sweet and soft then he doesn't mind what happened in between. 

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