Danganronpa v2 girls with a self-loathing darling

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Akane Owari:

Once, it just takes once for her to hear something and she will be on it. At first, she would think it was because of others telling her darling those things in which case she would start threatening anything she thought was the culprit. As soon as she realizes this is not the case, she would gently scold them before showering them in praise. This will repeat until their darling's feelings change about themselves or she will become almost suffocating.

Chiaki Nanami:

She would talk it out with her darling wondering why they would say or feel so negative about themselves. It breaks her heart hearing her darling say such things. She does her best to make them see themselves in a better light.

Sonia Nevermind:

She is confused and worried about her darling when she first hears them say something negative about themselves. So, she does everything in her power to make those negative thoughts and feelings go away. She will put all of her focus on her darling until those negative thoughts go away or become rare.

Hiyoko Saionji:

She tries although 50% of the time it backfires. She isn't as rude to her darling as she normally is with others, she's actually quite soft when it comes to her darling however there are still times when she will slip up. When she first heard her darling say something negative about themselves, she blamed herself. So, she tries to make up for it and it may actually work if it wasn't for those damn slip ups.

Ibuki Mioda:

She would be so confused at first then angry thinking someone had told her darling those things then scrambling to make them feel better. Her darling will become even more smothered than they already are. Which in this case may actually help them.

Mahiru Koizumi:

Mix of Akane and Chiaki as soon as she realizes it may not be because of others then she will have a talk with her darling. She does ethos to better understand why her darling feels this easy and to think of ways to help.

Mikan Tsumiki:

...she tries... She tries so hard for her darling. She sees them as one of the most perfect people in the world so why would they believe something so untrue. It may take longer then with the others just she will get her darling to see themselves in a better light.

Peko Pekoyama:

Believes others are at fault and will hunt them down then realizes when it isn't she becomes concerned. She will talk with her darling about it. She will become so soft with her darling after the talk. It may not be as drastic as some others but it works. 

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