Danganronpa v3 girls with a darling that is strong

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wants to carry them on their shoulder 

Kaede Akamatsu:

She doesn't mind and will take them up on the offer very time. She really only agrees if they were to ask her but will rarely ask them to carry her.

Angie Yonaga:

She doesn't really feel one way or the other about it. Is it fun? Yes. She will try to get her darling to do it as much as she can? Yes. Will she take no for an answer? Maybe.

Himiko Yumeno:

She does find it fun but won't make her darling carry her. She won't even ask them but when they ask her, she agrees every time.

Kirumi Tojo:

She agrees every time and will even ask her darling if they wish for her to carry them. She does probably take it much more seriously than her darling does.

Maki Harukawa:

Very hesitant at first and will only let them do it once maybe. If they want her to carry them then she will be more agreeable to that than the other way around. (She may actually let them carry her more once she sees how fun it can be.)

Miu Iruma:

Considering what she tries to do while on their shoulders they probably don't want her on them. She will tease them about it but never says no when they ask.

Tenko Chabashira:

She would prefer it more if she was the one carrying them than the other way around. She may let them do it once but it's going to be a fight.

Tsumugi Shirogane:
She doesn't really feel one way or another about it. She agrees most of the time especially when she is tired or just wants to hold them. 

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