Their darling ignoring them

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Gundham Tanaka

Kazuichi Soda

Nekomaru Nidai

Gundham Tanaka:

Will notice immediately that his darling is ignoring him.

This will make him spiral thinking he had done something wrong and it will also bring back all those things about himself (having poison in his veins, etc.)

Which will then lead to an odd mixer of him not being around but always around.

He wants to be around his darling but if they want him around them then he has to stay away but then what if something happens and he's not there to help them?

All in all, he will become a conflicting mess of himself.

Kazuichi Soda:

It will take a while but he will notice eventually.

He will panic thinking he did something wrong and will try to make up for whatever he did.

Did he ignore them? Was he being annoying? What the hell did he do?!

Things will most likely get worse since he will become more needy for his darling attention.

So, it's best not to ignore him for too long unless you want him to be even more around than he already is.

Nekomaru Nidai:

He...probably wouldn't even notice that his darling was ignoring/ avoiding him.

He will still be around them all the time as if nothing was wrong because to him nothing is wrong.

Even if his darling were to snap at him to leave them alone, he would just think they had a bad day so he'll try to cheer them up.

Even if his darling tried every way to try to get away from them, he will always find them no matter what.

So even with his darling trying to get away from him nothing they do will work and nekomaru won't even see it at all. 

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