Danganronpa v2 with a Criminal Darling that robs banks

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Hajime Hinata:

He would somewhat ignore it unless things started to become too dangerous for his liking. Then he would try to get them to stop or at least do it less. He never gets involved with it himself, just more or less watches from the side lines to make sure they don't get hurt and will bail them out if they are caught.

Izuru Kamukura:

He... probably won't care all that much but he would at least give some advice sometimes. It's something he would just live with it besides advice and wouldn't get involved. He won't even try to talk them out of it since it's something that they seem to like to do so why stop them?

Nagito Komaeda:

He won't get in his darling way if this is something they want to do. Although he would worry about them at times, he wouldn't try to talk them out of it but encourage them. Even if they were to get caught, he can just bail them out easily enough. All in all, it's just something he would live with another day with his darling.

Gundham Tanaka:

Gundham is one of the yanderes that sees his darling as a pure angel that can do no wrong even if they do. So, it is something he will ignore until they get caught or hurt. In which case he will try to talk them out of it or defend them with everything he has.

Kazuichi Soda:

He... would think that his darling is the coolest and would try to help the best he could. He is another yandere that believes his darling can do no wrong and there's nothing wrong with helping the person you love. Would make little gadgets to help make things much easier than before. Will make sure his darling always has a place to hide out as well as defend them. If things start to get too deep then he would want his darling to pull back a bit.

Teruteru Hanamura:

He won't get too involved but always makes sure his darling has a place to hide. It's something he would simply live with and nothing more. If they were to get hurt badly enough then he would want them to stop. All in all, he would find it exciting to have a darling that does something like this.

Nekomaru Nidai:

He would try to get his darling to stop, not only is it dangerous but also very illegal. He worries for his darling and although he won't get involved, he would still hide them if they needed it. At the end of the day, it's not something he will ignore, nevertheless he will live with it but will constantly try to get his darling to stop robbing banks.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu:

Fuck it why not, it's something he will begrudgingly help his darling with. He does see it as unnecessary given that he himself already has a lot of money and can basically get his darling whatever they want even so, if it's something they want to do then who is he to stop them? If he can't be there then he will send some of his men along to make sure everything goes as planned and they don't get caught. It's something he can live with since it appears to make them happy nor is it something he will talk them out of. (Unless they are planning on doing a very risky job then he may put his word in but other than that nothing.)

Byakuya Twogami (Ultimate Imposter):

The main reason they let their darling rob banks is because they make it super simple and easy for them. The fact that they can turn not only themselves but their darling into other people is the only reason they let them do it at all. All in all, any and all jobs will be easy as pie with them around.

Akane Owari:

Although she knows it's bad it's what her darling loves doing plus it is an exciting activity, they can do together so it's not that bad right? Besides, even if things get rough, she has her darlings back. (Nothing is going to slow her down when it comes to someone she loves.) out of everyone she is going to make things ever more exciting.

Chiaki Nanami:

She doesn't like it one bit so she is going to try her best to get her darling to stop. Every time they come back from a job, she will scold them and if they are caught then she will let them stay there for a day. She will not ignore or live with it nor help with it. In fact, she may try to keep them home even more if that was all they were going to do outside.

Sonia Nevermind:

She is another one that sees it as unnecessary since she can give her darling anything their heart desires however, she also finds it exciting. So, what she will do is set up fake banks and such in order to make it real. That way her darling doesn't really get in trouble and she can join her darling. It may be all fake but at least everyone is having fun with no fear of jail time.

Hiyoko Saionji:

She will ignore it while putting up a front that she doesn't care while worrying about her darling getting hurt. she will not join her darling instead will wait for them to get home. She will more or less just watch from the side lines. If her darling dose end up getting caught, she will bail them out then yell at them for doing something so stupid.

Ibuki Mioda:

She will be right there with her darling all the way. From planning to getting into the bank to the getaway. There is a greater chance of getting caught but it's all in good fun. It's not something that she will talk her darling in fact she may just encourage them to do even crazier jobs.

Mahiru Koizumi:

She doesn't like it at all and there's nothing her darling can do to change her mind. She is another one that will do everything in her power to get her darling to stop stealing even if it means giving them some tough love, which is very rare for her to do. It's not something that she will live with or ignore. If her darling did happen to have a team of some kind, she would get in their faces to stay away from her darling.

Mikan Tsumiki:

There are two main reasons why she doesn't like it. 1. Har daring could get hurt and 2. If they get caught and thrown in jail, she would never see them again (then again, she could probably get a job at the jail, even so.) other than that she doesn't really have a problem with it since it's something they seem like.

Peko Pekoyama:

What's the plan? It's not going to phase her at all; she just needs to know the when and where. Now if her darling refused to let her come along or she can't make it then there would be a problem. Either she's there or it's not going to happen on that day. If her darling did so happen to have a team they won't anymore because she's all they need. 

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