Kiyotaka Ishimaru & Gundham Tanaka

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Danganronpa v1 &  Danganronpa v2

The overlord and the monarch

Both see their darling as an absolute angel that can do no wrong (even if they do.) Which is definitely something that their darling can use.

Truth be told their darling has them wrapped around their finger.

They both are extremely protective of their darling to the point of being overbearing. (And could even start to baby them.)

Both are possessive and obsessive. This only gets worse since they will start to build off of each other.

Both are very affectionate with their darling which they do show it in fairly similar ways.

Both are willing to kill for their darling depending on the situation.

Both are always wanting their darling's attention on them at all times.

This being said both get very jealous very easily which with all that's listed means it's really going to suck for that person. (The person is going to wish that they dealt with hell itself then those two.)

All in all, they could be the best pair to have but not for those around their darling. They treat their darling like an angel from above while making it hell for everyone down below. 

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