Pure beauty (Makoto Naegi)

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Danganronpa v1

(Y/n) was busy fixing up a vase of flowers when they heard the bell to the door of their small flower shop rang, singling to them that someone had stepped inside. Putting on a bright smile they greeted the new visitor.

" Welcome, how may I - Makoto!" the young man had become a regular to the shop coming in once a week for new flowers.

"Hello." he greeted.

"What would you like this time? Buttercup? Chrysanthemum? Gardenias?"

"You really do seem to have every flower. It makes it so hard to choose." Makoto looked around the shop at all the flowers.

"Of course, everyone needs a bit of variety in their life and this shop is just the place for it." as (y/n) talked they placed the finished vase behind them. "Besides, I'm not the ultimate florist for nothing."

"Have any favorites?"

"So many it's hard to choose."

Every time he came into the shop it was like this. Just talking about whatever came to mind. It was peaceful and simple but made the shop light up, at least to Makoto it did.

Finally, Makoto picked out some white lilies with purple wrapping and a black ribbon to hold them together.

"You know this flower means Innocence and purity."


"Yup, every flower has a meaning they can be a language all on their own." They handed him the bouquet. "They must be really lucky to have someone like you."


"The person you give those flowers to every week or if you just keep them for yourself then they go to a very colorful new home." they explained.

"Oh, will" Makoto stammered, "I'll see you next week!" and with that he rushed out of the shop.

Pure huh? He thought looking down at the flowers and they are beautiful... just like (y/n) .... A pure beauty... I wonder if they will like my house once they get there... or it will be our house soon... I just need a few more things and everything will be perfect....

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