Danganronpa v1 with a darling that is half-human half horse

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Not a Centaur but has traits of a real horse like speed, stamina, and strength but still has the whole body of a human. The person who requested it said darling is something like uma musume pretty derby.

Makoto Naegi:

He would be so impressed by what his darling can do. He can be found staring at his darling a lot more than usually. He really is mesmerized by them.

Chihiro Fujisaki:

He looks up to his darling seeing what amazing things they can do. Seeing how strong his darling is does make him look up to them. He does wonder how they got to be like this.

Byakuya Togami:

He will find a way to contain them so it may take a while but it will all be worth it in the end plus it does make things more interesting. They can only run and fight for so long even if it is more than the average person. Everyone one has a breaking point he just needs to find theirs then they will be all his.

Leon Kuwata:

Although he is impressed by them it's not like it can make much of a difference. He just puts on the charm, gets on their good side. There's no reason for them to fight or run away so he's not too worried about how strong and fast they are but it is something he keeps in mind.

Hifumi Yamada:

It does worry him a bit but there has to be ways about it right? He plans a lot more than he normally would and has more backups just in case. Besides, admiring from a distance isn't always so bad.

Yasuhiro Hagakure:

It does make him wary but it doesn't deter him. It just means he has to think more outside the box then he would normally have to. It does think it's cool that his darling is basically super human compared to others.

Mondo Owada:

He thinks it's cool but also a headache to deal with. Even if they are maybe stronger than him, he is still overprotective and they may be able to outrun a human but they can't outrun his bike. (Just something to keep in mind.)

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

He is amazed but also doesn't want them to overdo themselves. They may be stronger and faster but they can still get hurt like anyone else. Although if he does start to lecture them, they could just run away but just be warned that he will catch up to them at some point and the lecture will be even harsher than before.

Toko Fukawa:

Strength and speed are no match for someone who mostly just stays in the shadows! She knows she won't be able to keep up if they run away or fight back (plus she doesn't want Jack to hurt them even by accident.) So, she stays around them but not too close

Kyoko Kirigiri:

It becomes a competition of brain vs brawn in a way. she tries to catch them while they run away, that is if she slips up and shows what her true intentions are.

Celestia Ludenberg:

It won't affect any of her plans, she won't let it. Sure, it may get a bit tricky but nothing she can't handle.

Aoi Asahina:

Her eyes are always on her darling. She is always praising them about how strange and fast they are. She basically trunks into a fangirl for her darling.

Sakura Ogami:

Another fangirl but she is quieter about it. She won't mind helping them test their strength or speed. Either by sparring or timing them.

Sayaka Maizono:

Nothing but praise she has to stay on their good side if she doesn't want to take their legs away. (This doesn't mean she is going to cut them off but breaking them isn't out of the question either. Just because she doesn't like doing it doesn't mean she won't do it after all.)

Junko Enoshima:

Fun for a while but gets boring meaning she has to think of new ways to make it fun. Like it or not, to her darling is her own personal plaything that she will use as she likes no matter how strong or fast, they may be.

Mukuro Ikusaba:

Nothing she can't handle so she isn't worried about running away or fighting her. Although her darling's abilities do impress her, she isn't like everyone else either which if her darling does want to escape is something they should keep in mind. 

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